YKP (outta here!)

If I’d been able to black the eyes of every guy that said something awful to me over the years (or be touchy —hell, I had one dude grab my boobs while I was learning to drive a fire truck) there would be some serious boxer fractures in my hand. I can throw a punch. Too much heavy bag will do that!

It took me a few moments too. I’ll just say perhaps it was his way of saying the rings didn’t act as a force-field that kept my goodies secure. Meaning, they would not prevent cheating or a hook-up or ... who the hell knew, but, I was never alone after that. Anyway, it was a guy whom I didn’t know very well, the

It’s all good. He’s brought a friend with a knife!

Although it’s well-known that I’m unavailable, I had never really worn my ring(s) to work in over 2 decades. However, I did wear them out socially occasionally —one memorable evening with a large group (to be fair, there were casually known folks from outside agencies there) and while I don’t dress for attention

It’s not the fault of the broken insurance system that this goes undetected. (Tho, for I think private insurance companies are evil and should be destroyed. I’m not entirely sure that pure government-only run healthcare is possible or even adviseable.) I keep reading that statement, but can’t find any quantifying

I am shocked by this news.

Looking 4 obscure post.


Yep, my beautiful (of course), privileged (doh!), blonde (sorta!) niece is an ADPi @ a southern school and except for Greek thing we are so proud.

I buy the 32 ounce version direct from philosophy.com when they do a BOGO and I’m set for a year. Keep one in shower, one at my sink in my bath. If I’m really stocked, I’ve passed on the extra to a friend and never part with my pump bottles (just refill).

I buy the 32 ounce version direct from philosophy.com when they do a BOGO and I’m set for a year. Keep one in

That’s it! Trump’s people are flash thinging the masses. The only logical explanation for his supporters. Now he just needs to shed that orange-tinged skin and be vaporized!

Feeding the zoo is our measure of success too.

There are some really good gyn practices in every locale that test hormone levels and can prescribe (even compound — tho not without some controversy) to help get you feeling better. Demand good healthcare for yourself — its out there. Everyone deserves to feel as well as possible.

Thank you, MIB is one of my favorite movies of all time.

Oh, I couldn’t edit but this said guy medic had his cert pulled and was disciplined for clinical incompetence and eventually convicted of business fraud a few years after I became a medic. Quality folks usually produce quality results regardless of the industry. Garbage folks, well ...

Isn’t having all your shit together, kinda like trying to eat once and for all? I mean it’s got to be a day-to-day or even hour-to-hour thing, right?

I get your point. Back in the day (damn, that makes me sound old) the only thing that kept me going toward being a paramedic, was the salient fact that I knew a guy medic that was the biggest dumbasses of all time — and if that MF could do it — it would be a cake walk for me to become one (it was). Even tho I was a

Or you’re in the back side of your 40's, educated. No debt. Great home & acreage of land (I’d call it a farm, but we lack crops & farm animals). Never blessed (or cursed, lol) with kiddos. Mostly decent marriage. Still, pretty good life in many ways. But, life is about half over. Pretty sobering thought.

I’ve seen some harrowing stuff, but wow! And these were NOT professional rescuers — just some really brave action dudes in a boat. I’m humbled by their courage.

Sweetie, a stroke killed your best friend. You just did last loving thing you could do for your best friend. The life you shared with your kitty for almost TWENTY YEARS was filled with love and devotion. I know the pain you feel, I’ve been there and it’s hard not to get stuck in that last moment, that one last awful