YKP (outta here!)

Nah, unnecessary.

RNC will be like watching a plane crash. Horrific. Terrifying. Can’t look away.

I’m so sorry. It’s totally okay to just be and let the world keep on keeping on. You and your precious kitty are everything.

She’s the anti-Trump! And it’s her destiny.

I get it, really. And I deeply understand the issue.

In the case of “knew about it and is complicit” AND “family circling the wagons” — it has to be both. Cause what else are they going to do/say?

I wonder if what her conceptualization is of her murderous hubby being shot dead by the police is?

I'm not a snake person either — yikes! I do KNOW that snakes DO NOT want to eat us and only bite us if we force the issue.

I'm glad YOU were not injured. Now, let the drawing begin!

Your grandma was totally badass. A good snake killing stick is all that’s really necessary for a stroll through the Kentucky backwoods. Though I’ve seen Timber Rattlers longer than I am tall and as thick as my thigh — just don’t start nothing, won’t be nothing —just keep on walking. Remember, that snake does not want

It’s quite a tail — of wolf, then bear. I want to believe, but “lost or missing” in the deep woods for 12 hours alone? And her friends were not frantic and searching? Just does not make sense.

We are only on this earth for a very short time. Remember to make every day count.

Fuck PETA on the shelter pet issue.

All kitties snuggles are still totally awesome IMHO. You are blessed.

Everyone loves FAT babies. Everyone loves FAT puppies. Universal truth!

Darwin Award Nominee — Rap Division

Wat? Her who?

The white trash post-Disney tween trifecta! Such a role model, that one!

He dicksmacked all the repub’s into following his “narrative” and now he’s going to try and gobsmack the democratic narrative into all Trump, all the time.

I guess when you realize Right is wrong, you are welcome to turn toward the Left.