❤️❤️❤️❤️ Thank you! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
❤️❤️❤️❤️ Thank you! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
As a RN that has intervened in times of life-threatening OB emergencies, I can only STAR your response once, but I can give you lots of ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️,
Video kills the radio star — really. I kinda took it as these vehicles were all inoperable. Still, take a pic or video. Poor repair or the like may have them leaking fluids onto the ground/the watershed and can be everything from a local ordinance issue to major EPA issue depending.
For the love of money, if you’re a NFL prospect and are gonna do something you don’t want to see lead on ESPN — DO NOT VIDEO IT. Don't start nothing, won't be nothing.
I’m older but look really good for my age. Built like a brick shithouse. Most folks guess early 30's. I’ve been called pretty and (a loose description of beautiful) I’m a bit WASPy and no piercings or tats. Now, I couldn’t agree less with the NRA — maybe I should try and punk ‘em.
From the aerial TV coverage I could see several broken down old cars surrounding the trailer house, quite a few fighting chicken a-frames and the quintessential blue-tarp covered roof.
Sweet? Stupid. Or maybe just sauced.
Wow. Kitty is fine. Queening the dog is fine. Grandma is going to be fine.
He's suck a dickface.
All the better to feel you, love you! He’s quite a charmer! 🐾❤️🐾
Damn it!
Hooray to surviving a near crash, living to have an interesting tale, birthday weekends, good friends, good sushi and kitties!
She’s been on the campaign trail with the Trump. Who the hell know what goes on behind closed doors? But, I seem to recall a Oprah show on Marla Maples and Tiffany said she was close to her dad and siblings. Who knows? seemed like a nice kid.
So ... he’s basically teaching the course on How to Get Away with RAPE on Campus and still be a Sports Bro.
I’ll address the pubic hair issue (the wiping thing is really a Nike issue, Just Do It & get your nasty ass clean).
Although that seems very far removed from my experiences (I’ve worked or contracted in 18 facilities — by choice and many were very prestigious facilities) I’ve seen some nasty bullying or “lateral violence”. And make no mistake when I see significant bully action that could harm a patient I will take some action.…
Folks, long term nurse (ER, ICU & Rotor) here and I was also a medic for many, many years and being a patient makes you automatically vulnerable.
As cool as the effigy would be, I’d think 10 ft piñata of both lame-ass scary dudes would be grand! Trump & Cruz. Maybe someone could build a pair for the RNC Convention — that would be awesome.
Trump was not going to spill the beans ON Heidi, he was going to spill the beans TO Heidi.