I was MAD for fruit & fruit cups were heaven, too.
I was MAD for fruit & fruit cups were heaven, too.
Nice on the niecer. They are awesome!
She looks just like her controlling, harpy MOTHER.
What the Duggar kid’s need is counseling, not more TV in any form. They are not special snowflakes. They just need counseling to help them assimilate toward to real existence, no an abusive reality show existence. The real, non-church, non-quiver-full-if-shit kind of counseling that helps them break the cycle of abuse…
Can ‘Murica just say NO? We know that word is foreign in camp Duggar, but I beg the masses to dig deep.
You totes rock! A cat pars the uninsured lost Blackberry. You get an awesome kitty and modify the errant behavior of the hubby.
He’s the thing about every field that is dominated by MEN. They are all BOYS CLUB’S.
Thanks so much. Some days are better than others, but you gotta do what you gotta do. Either get up & go forward, or surrender. No white flags here.
Nerve pain is the worst. I’m still recovering from the acute reinjury from the October car crash (my hands were numb from nerve damage and cord compression in my neck — I ran a knife thru my hand 10 days after that wreck, needed microsurgery to repair nerve).
Pain? Oh, no!!! We have a pain group here — what happened?
WooHoo MiMoo! Great job on the class work!
Send your address and we can get a rescue posse together. Cause after 8 days, damn. They'd have to send the Green Berets in for me — really.
Or not. IMO the fact that he’s already a “bad actor” makes any future accusations MORE likely to stick, not less. Now, there are SOL issues in some states, evidence issues and credibility issues (tho that is a f’ed up draconian standard when applied incorrectly, sadly those issues still play with some prosecutors) in…
Sorry, you are blue. But, yay on the goodies, you rock!— I’ve not been able to even manage to be able to find the take-out menus. I’m still on the diet ginger ale (it tastes better, not on a diet). Misery is never made better by adding any alcohol and I’m too blue to market — so, what there is, is what there is.
My vote is on prescribed BENZODIAZEPINES — cause fuck, how could they not?
Well, imagine that a rich, successful now pro sports bro with a shady, violent, skeevy past (hell, it quacks - waddles - swims — it’s a duck, I mean college rapist), is UPSET and vows LEGAL ACTION against a news network for broadcasting a documentary on college campus rape.
This one makes me hurt by proxy. I’m sorry that someone you love is so careless with you. That's the tough stuff.
Your mom has the soul of an iceberg.
Thank you, so much.
Please don’t take this the wrong way. Hell with his “learning” and his “feelings”. The ONLY thing that matters as a priority right now is the safety and well-being of your friend and her baby.