That is just terrible. Why, indeed dalila’s mom? Why?
That is just terrible. Why, indeed dalila’s mom? Why?
You are a Goddess. I can’t get my head around what you are dealing with — you are just freaking amazing!
OMG. That is terrible. Beyond terrible, really. I’m so sorry. = (
The pain is not close to under control. It’s been a bit over 48 hours since surgery and I’ve slept 4 hours, only 8 hours since I cut it @ 10 am on Tuesday. Hoping tomorrow is better!
That is a sucky week. I hope you start feeling perky soon — cause damn.
These are never borderline cases. Never done on a whim or by just one person. Literally, 1 person may start the alarm, but there such a pattern of behavior that is is undeniable.
As long as she stays locked away unable to harm others, I’m fine. But, the problem with folks that have done this is that they CANNOT be fixed. They just can’t. I knew a nurse that had a variant. She started hurting herself for attention (faked cancer as a nursing student). I could tell you details, but it would scare…
If that had been a GOTCHA there would have been more evasive maneuvers and the urgent need to land so those at the sticks in that helicopter could change their pants.
It’s real. Sadly. And there is no way to treat it or rehab these folks.
Not curable. Period. And I never had any issue calling out anyone who injured a child or other vulnerable person. Not being cruel or putting suspicion in play, but fact based action.
ER/critical care nurse here. This is next level badness. There is no way to “rehab” these folks, no monitoring. I’ve seen 3 cases and all were beyond nightmare f’ed up.
There isn’t any meaningful treatment. She can NEVER be allowed to harm another vulnerable person — ever. It IS that simple.
I want to go there!
When ya got the money, ya got the power! Ya get to make the rules!
Thanks. You are sooooo right. It can happen to anyone.
Thanks so much. That means a lot. Be careful out there. You just never know what could happen. I know I’m lucky, but ...
I started driving again yesterday after a head-on car crash almost two years ago that left me seriously injured.
Enough goddamned red flags it looks like a Cat 5 HURRICANE is coming— there’s a lesson there! Heed it or lose big time. I will never understand the levels of cognitive dissonance that some folks possess. Never.
At first I thought he was just pandering to certain groups. Now, I don’t know. Most neurosurgeons I’ve interacted with in any manner are scientists. Period.
Sending positive energy your way. I think the best thing you can do you for you right now is self care. Eat well. A little red wine if that appeals to you. Spend time with those that make you smile. Regardless, you will deal with what comes.