
I’m glad other people see this. One child is always singled out for abuse and I think kim was the chosen one. Kyle is the baby and was spoiled and pampered. She cried to get her way - and it always worked. She’s still doing that annoying fake cry and people are still falling for it. I always hated kyle so intensely

I don't know, I had a pretty awful childhood and it's affected a lot of areas in my life. Not everyone is an oprah success story. Sometimes the demons are just too intense and drugs / alcohol numbs the pain. I know I'm in the minority here but I actually have a lot of sympathy for Kim.

This is officially the article that marks the definite point were this once glorious website has gone to the shits.

I don’t recognize most of the songs on this list, but I going to go find them because they seem like the type of songs I like. The following songs make me melancholy for one reason or another, a sample of a long list (Artist/Song Title):

“Untouchable” - Garbage

Thanks for putting together the playlist. I miss 90s triphop. (I’m 27 and British)

I listened to so. much. Portishead.

White Town: Your Woman

Hell yes to 4. “Pictures of You” was the first song I thought of. brb sobbing

“Scentless Apprentice”- Nirvana

Ooh, I like this one! I still live part-time in the 90s. On my list would be

As a self-proclaimed DC-curious Marvel girl, this trailer left me “meh.” As in, “And I should care why?”

Ugh. No. I’ll file this along with the whole Spiderman franchise on my do not want shelf.

Old time hockey! Like Eddie Shore!

Go Pacquiao.

It seems almost too obvious to point out that this is a bad, bad list.

I just want to hear Bruce Jenner say that he’s happy. As a kid who built a decathlon in our backyard and competed with my siblings to be Bruce Jenner, I hope he gets to be what makes him happy. He was amazing and defined athleticism and masculinity, so let him define what makes him completely whole.

Gotta go with Kentucky

Playoff hockey is the best sports postseason there is.

My binge watching of Daredevil has left me with a desire to see the Capitals vs. Anaheim for the Battle of Coaches Most Closely Resembling the Kingpin.