
Your condescension is what you can’t help. You did not say intellectually lazy. You said lazy. And that is not me playing word games. You asked a question I answered. You then wanted me to come up with a theory based on evidence that is not at my fingertips. I don’t have the stats and references in regards to hate

Seems like a very all-or-nothing take. If Bernie can’t fix the problem 100%, on the day he takes office, then he’s ripe for criticism because he hasn’t done enough and won’t do enough in the future? Not really a fan of that analysis.

Obama IS center-right.


Oh, God, I really didn’t mean that as a criticism of you! I’m so sorry if it came across that way. He’s just being so fucking evil to you, and I wanted you to know you could make him disappear if you didn’t already (some people choose not to dismiss because they feel uncomfortable with the idea for a variety of

Do you know how to dismiss comments? You can make the rape apologist asshole’s disgusting comments (at least the ones that are direct replies to you) disappear with a few clicks!

I flagged every one of this waste of skin’s comments.

I believe you, and hope you are doing well and have all the delicious scones etc. The trolls can go to hell.

It’s amazing how people who share an experience might rally in a forum focused on that experience. WOW SUCH AMAZE INNAWEBZ

I actually was raped. So fuck off.

You don’t. I mean, I can only speak for myself, and I wasn’t even raped, just ... Other stuff. But 16 years later I’m still pretty much always wary.. paranoid, even.

I don’t.

This made me burst into tears. Seeing them all in one space...

I love the open chair at the end of the line. It’s silently implying so many things. Because you KNOW there are more out there. And more women that will be raped by others. It's almost an open invitation to other victims to feel like they could step up and join those women who were able to come forward.

Powerful cover design.

Wow. Kudos to these ladies for doing this. And to the photographer and editor for making such a dynamic statement. Seeing all of them lined up together - this is amazing.

GODDAMN! That dress is simultaneously repulsive and also the best thing I have ever seen. The former stripper inside me is feeling very conflicted about all this.