


This is one hell of a gif.

Making bombs is bad.

Making bombs is bad.


Douglas Adams is punching himself in the dick for not writing that line first.

One of my favorite Steelers of all time both on and off the field. Enjoy retirement Troy and thanks the years of greatness.

The whole damn tourney was a joke as far as officiating is concerned. At least, all of the games I watched. As a team that works its offense through passes and off-ball movement, it was frustrating not being able to capitalize on the fact that the refs just automatically called a foul every time someone drove toward

I can’t find his name off hand, but I assume you’re talking about the head referee.

I will forever have a special place it my heart that is reserved just to hate Duke every waking second of my life.

There aren’t enough GIFs to express how I’m feeling right now..

Fuck Duke

Is it me or are the refs doing a shit job? And they show no contested replays. Fuck the NCAA.

IDK seems to be directed aptly at the refs. I have no horse in this and to me it seems Duke's getting a lot of calls and no calls going their way.