I DESPISE Great Lash.
I DESPISE Great Lash.
I DESPISE Great Lash.
I DESPISE Great Lash.
You’re a diamond. You’re also the only person I’ve ever met who adresses people with “love” (besides me). You may be my soul mate.
Dashcams...we call need Dashcams....
"Show me a server who has never had to neglect a table because they were trying to get sidework done and I will show you a liar."
I worked at a cunt-ry restaurant I referred to as the Crack Whore Barrel. (This was when they still had a smoking section. Fuck country cooking, fuck smoking indoors, fuck biskits and gravy, all the fucking gravy, fuck cleaning up a gallon of Thousand Island dressing some asshead spilled in the reach-in cooler and on…
I've worked in two restaurants. Both:
"Iraq has weapons of mass destruction."
In middle school our male swim teacher was a legit pervert. He had two strikes against him already in a three-strikes-you're-out system. (He got the third a few years after I was done middle school.) He would do things like walk into the girls' changeroom while we were showering after class, to ask if a towel that…
omg. Same!
What if we were separated at birth? I am also domestically disabled—I can't see dust or clutter. I don't think you should be ashamed of the Jackson 5 though. What about Kelis and Bossy? That song sometimes helps me through a tough time.
+5000000000000 points for using a Jinx Monsoon GIF. #WaterOffADucksBack
I think we can all agree that Timber is pretty great in terms of guilty pleasures. The rest of those songs make me feel not so bad about my guilty pleasures which involve Cazwell's All Over Your Face, T. Swift—all of it, Miley's We Can't Stop and, whitest of all dark secrets, Igloo's Murda Bizness. And Meghan…
On the note of the area closed off review, I've spent too many hours going onto years of my life working in 24 hour bar environments and it is ridiculously annoying to have people sit in areas that are closed off.
Holy fuck that is horrifying. Seeing just one scuttling around is nightmare fuel.
If you want a good motel story, fly Delta with a connection in Atlanta. Guaranteed.
Even the non-crazy bad reviews are helpful. I like to look for a Hotel that has bad reviews, and all the reviews are just stupid. Like "One of the 30 treadmills in the complimentary gym had a frayed belt — 1 star" and "They didn't Cap'n crunch at the continental breakfast. Totally not work 45 dollars a night — 1 star"…