
Also: Still grieving over Leonard Nimoy.

I always thought it was ironic that a person with a purple mohawk and tattoos on the side of her head had a job judging other people's taste in fashion.

If placed in the exact same circumstances Rob Gronkowski would produce this exact same footage.

You forgot the best one!

I'll share too. This is my workout:

OK.. you all seem to know this better than I. I have 5 cats, most are over 10. I've been feeding them Purina Indoor and they go through a 3.5lb bag in about 5 days. I buy 6 3.5 bags a month so whatever that works out to. The 3.5 lb bag is $5. Is there a good cat food out there for around that much or maybe a little

Apparently I've been feeding DogPants 1-star food. Great, now I have something else to worry about.

Eww. You don't know her.

Those eyelashes are ridic. Truly at some point she will look like Snuffleufagus.

I'm just going to sit here in my apartment and appreciate healthcare, hockey, poutine, and beavers a little bit more than usual. I'm feeling all proud of my country.

Omg, you were't kidding about the Angela Lansbury song. Rosalind and Susan looked like they could've murdered them right then and there. And they would've been right to do so.

Yodel-ay-me, too!

Bracing myself for all the "See? She doesn't need the gimmicky costumes" responses plastered all over the internet.

What, no lonely goat yode-lay-hi-hoo? I feel cheated.

This might have been Wes Anderson's worst film.

I leave the house without pants on on a very regular basis and I would wear that dress faster than the time it would take for you to take several seats.
