
Is it just me or is Kim Jong-un looking chunkier than ever?

I worked really hard to get a 4.0 GPA in college and math was my biggest weakness. I saved the one math class I had to take for my very last semester of school and spent all semester telling my teacher how I couldn't ruin my 4.0 and also kissing butt. I worked hard, did all my homework, saw a tutor multiple times and

Know this feel, dude. It'll be ok.

Hey, glad to hear I'm not alone!

Not really. I'm on Paxil and Xanax (for anxiety) now. I don't have insurance at the moment, and those that cover mental health are prohibitively expensive.

Holy shit, I feel the exact same way. Here's to hoping we both start to feel better and figure out shit out soon <3

Oh, man. This won't be funny, I apologize.

This just isn't true. Sometimes people in front of you stop so so so short, it's impossible to avoid bumping them. I'm sure the car insurance adjuster disagrees, but as someone who drives for 80% of my job, things are not always so black and white.

Insurance companies like you and your logic.

This exact thing happened to me too. I saw the car careening towards me, but I was stopped behind a truck and there was nothing I could do. My little Toyota was pushed forward 5 or 6 feet into the truck.

Ugh, this Jenner story is so triggering. My mother's killer (19 year old, speeding and texting, hit her head on) was just sentenced on Wednesday. A couple of fines and three years probation for hitting her car so hard that her steering wheel bent around her after it went through her and into her seat back. But he's

Biscuits and gravy.

If Lynch took over for Richter, I would watch Conan on a 24 hour loop.

In Summer 2011, I went to see the Savage Beauty Exhibit at the Met. If you missed it, it was an exhibit featuring Alexander McQueen's clothing shoes and accessories, a year after his suicide. It was a celebration, but also a mass wake of sorts, at least that's how I viewed it. The rooms were dark, opulent, dimly lit,

I've met a few celebrities, but most of them were just the normal "Hi, big fan, blah blah" crap...though I do have two slightly amusing stories.

I was at a Korn/Rob Zombie show back in...I dunno, 2001 or so. By then I was totally over Korn, but they opened, so I had to sit through them anyway. About halfway through

Peter Dinklage and Vince Vaughn in New Orleans, 2007, I think. Owen Wilson had just maybe attempted suicide. Anyway, I was out with my two friends, one that was visiting, and the other that went to college with me. We decided to go to Frenchman Street, a more "locals" version of Bourbon Street. New Orleans was just

I live in LA and do alterations for film and television, so I see celebrities all the time, in their underwear. Sometimes that's a perk, most times, not. Josh Duhamel-total dreamboat and a total perk. James Caan-somewhat grumpy and not a perk at all. I see them at Trader Joe's, Starbuck's, all over. All of them,

Summer 2002, I was working backstage at Letterman. Part of my duties involved standing out in the room where everyone has to pass before going onto the stage (just outside the green room), so I could run out during the commercial breaks and refill Paul Shaffer's tea. That area had a monitor, so usually whoever the

Holly Johnson from Frankie Goes to Hollywood used to come in to the used bookshop in South Kensington I managed during the late 90s. He had the most adorable dog who came trotting in with him, and was the only dog that was really welcomed in the shop. Holly was unfailingly sweet and funny, and had the ability to perk