
Well, to be fair, I also do that whenever anyone talks about Snow. His name is Darrin! *runs away and sobs*

Perfect gif for this situation!

Kato Kaelin: That hair, tho. Just looked up pics of him from the OJ trial to refresh my memory and wow. That was some epic fucking hair.

Like George Carlin used to say, "If fucking is legal and selling is legal, why is it illegal to sell fucking?"

Hey that's the rapist search guy!

If neither were Juggalos you are still winning at life!

Fun facts: the B-52 entered service in 1955; the last one was delivered in 1962. 744 were produced, of which 76 remain in service; several dozen non-flying examples are on static display at various museums and other historical venus. The great-grand-children of the original flight crews are now flying the same

I was rolling deep on E and barfed on some TKE's shoes at a kegger. He took me back to his apartment (thank the baby Jesus, he didn't live in the house) and put on Ani DiFranco (whaaaaaa?) and we had awkward sex. He looked kinda like Seth Green in the Can't Hardly Wait days. He had on a visor. It was 2000.

He didn't know what doggy style was. I turned over and he actually said the words "I don't know what you expect me to do".

So many to choose from. I'll let yall decide. Let me preface this list by saying that I'm omitting the sociopaths and boring losers. This list is in no way representative of all my questionable and embarassing encounters.

Never apologize for loving Best Little Whorehouse in Texas. Never.

Okay, let's do this thing.

Kenny Rogers cameo, plz.

I AM SO EXCITED! My very first post was about Dolly Parton and I stand firm in my love for her, her plastic face and deep smokey charm.

Favorite two quotes by her of all time:

The solution for both situations is Yuengling.