
Jesus Christ, this sounds like a lot of work. I'm exhausted just reading it.

Correction: It is based on ONE of Jane's books. She published two. The first one was "Music to Move the Stars" and came out in 1999, 4 years after he divorced her for the nurse. It is not a kind book. You can tell she had a lot of anger about deferring her own doctorate to care for him, raise 3 children and help

I know quite a few people who are going to be seriously miffed Miyavi (the camp guard in "Unbroken") didn't get a single award for anything, let alone an Oscar nod. Seriously, first time ever in a movie and he honestly crushed it.

...I really liked The Grand Budapest Hotel. Oh well, I suppose I'm not cool.

I actually loved that movie.

I work with people AALLLLLLLLL day. I have a finely developed appreciation for people who take no shit from those people and a keen respect for management that doesn't throw itself into every mud puddle so the customer can walk all over them and their staff. The customer isn't always right. Sometimes the customer is a

Charlize Theron was going to get paid less than Chris Hemsworth?

The fact that Charlize fucking Theron was being paid less than this relative new comer is mind boggling to me. She's a god damn Oscar winner for Christsakes.

The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette is reporting that he was asked to resign. LeBeau is a god in Pittsburgh; this is going to be hard to accept. Just like every time I think about Bruce Arians in Indy and Arizona, and then look at Todd Haley's idiot grin.

He coasted on his "aristocrats" filthiness for a while but this guy is such an unfunny hack. Commenting on "grandpa getting hit in the nuts" videos is the pinnacle of his career.

I know she's only a little baby; but I want to strangle ariana grande a bit.

People who do the gaping mouth scream-laugh like Whitney Cummings annoy the hell out of me. Totally forced & phony.

She should never make this face again.

Yep. I'm an hour from the Gulf of Mexico. It's 25 and feels like it's 15 right now. What the ungodly fuck is this?! Plus the Walgreens sign told me it was 60 on the way home. It was 27!!! I will never believe that sign ever again.

Uh, below 60 is double pants weather.....

also, be kind to your neighbors

I am to the point where I will tell people that are lording their warm temperatures to fuck. right. off. And not even in a kidding, haha way. Just fuck off.