
Clearly the “ghosts” are just the machinations of an old man trying to scare people off the property so he can get to the silver. Fortunately this can be fixed by hiring four meddling teenagers and their talking dog.

On this point, Scorsese utterly kills me. There is an incredible generation of actors coming up, and he’s hitched his wagon to DiCaprio, who is an utterly basic actor, who now that he’s got his precious Oscar, is content to phone in roles when he’s not bedding super models.

And the thing is, I don’t care what kind of an artist you are, a big budget *changes* your film. It’s pervasive. The camera work less dynamic because, hey this is an expensive shot, might as well film it slow and steady. The editing messier, because there’s more coverage, and when you have the footage, the tendency is

My reaction exactly.  I know this story and I was shocked he budgeted it out at 200 million.  This isn’t Stalingrad, it’s a procedural set in 1920s rural America.  Just drive anywhere for a couple of hours, and you’ll find areas suitable.  Factoring in salaries for A-listers, and this should really be more like a 50

Why $200 million his classic movies didn't cost that much even adjusted for inflation.

I wish Kinja had a retweet option

Beta Ray Bale. NAILED IT

Christian Bale mo-cap?

Rare company, liking Fallen Kingdom better than Jurassic World. The little clone girl I think was a deal-breaker for many. But I did like the auction (and its implications) as well as the part where the house basically becomes a horror movie. These JP sequels have had kernels of good ideas in them.

Finally got around to watching Bumblebee and it was pretty good. 

no, it was weird when it was just me. Then Yummsh came along and made me normal. See?

this woman has a pleasantly large mouth. I am not a large person, i could sit in that mouth and swing my legs. Thanks, i like it.

But what about RussFest? 

Isn’t that the title of a Skinny Puppy song?

Pllleeeease be realistic anthropomorphic animals walking on their hind legs. And the director of the amazing Blindspotting? I don't care if anyone else isn't down for this weirdness, I'm in.

What you have stated is indisputable (WYHSII).

I saw it in IMAX too, and I loved that Mendes and Deakins had found a great compromise between Nolan’s “Full IMAX image, then cut to regular film footage, then back to full IMAX” and every other films’ “All shot for the regular screen, but what the hell, we’ll release it in IMAX anyway and charge extra for it”. I’m

The fight in the Shanghai tower backlit by neon billboards is one of the best-shot fight scenes in the series.

Sadly it’s the people who can’t peel off yogurt lids who end up having the most kids.