
I’m glad this is being corrected- the myth of illness as inspiration, not the ear thing- because it’s a cruel lie. He was not propelled to genius by his illness. He was an artistic genius who was severely hampered in his life and art due to his illness, who suffered to death from his illness. There’s nothing romantic

We could start an “End Lasik Eye Surgery” campaign with identical tactics. Eye surgery is freaky-deaky, you ever seen that shizz?

I am not feelin’ that yellow dress... I also think, after looking at the majority of the men pictured, that it’s about time for women to start showing up to red carpet events looking like they just got out of bed and had to throw some shit together quickly too.

What’s even more awesome is that CS got married over the weekend which means he pulled off this beautiful dress while also trying to do wedding stuffs!

The problem (?) is that we on the left refuse to justify those means, no matter how noble the end. The tactic itself is disgraceful and, however successful it might be, we refuse to compromise our integrity in that way. Our integrity is the only thing that keeps us from being more successful, paradoxically.

It’s been said before, but the gun safety advocates need to start using the tactics of anti-abortion groups.

If they are using Star Wars clips they have about 24 hours before Disney sends a C&D their way

Being disgusted/disturbed by images or video of medical procedures isn’t really going to stop people from getting medical procedures...

Won’t most people just think that’s a picture of Donald Trump?

Oh, bullshit. This is a bullshit publicity stunt. Bush will spew something incoherent, as usual. Obama will talk about how we have to respect copss who put their lives on the line every day.

I hate to be that person but here goes. Molly MacAuley was murdered Friday night while walking her dogs in an affluent Baltimore neighborhood. She was one of the few space economists in the *world*. Where is her story here on Jezebel? This is supposed to be a feminist site. There is little to no news coverage about

Yeah that got me too. Pig and fat ass because she bought food for herself that she intended to eat.

I love that he thinks SHE’S the asshole in the situation. And the “fat ass” is just the cherry on top.

Also, men who don’t realize how gendered food and food-sharing are. She’s a “pig” now. Fucking hell.

Someone would have died if that happened to me. Do not touch my food.

Food stealers get me upset. Went out to dinner with my sister and cousin and we ordered a huge thing of fried chicken to share. My sister said she only wanted veggies and since that’s all she really eats anyway, I believed her. So I’m like “cool, more chicken for me” cause I LOVE fried chicken. End of the meal, bitch

The NRA does not serve gun owners.
The NRA serves gun makers.
Gun makers must be allowed to sell as many guns as possible with no consequence.
Gun owners are the commodity the NRA trades in, promoting and feeding them to the gun makers.
Never trust the NRA.
Never trust gun makers.

If what happened to Philando Castile happened to a white gun owner (yes, I know, huge leap of imagination necessary to picture that), the NRA would be protesting 24/7 at the police station, the governor’s office, and the home of the police officer involved.

“It’s is important for the NRA not to comment while the investigation is ongoing.”

Let’s be clear here: they are on paid administrative leave.