Anyone who knows Kat knows she has a loooong history of racism and anti-semitism. The fact that she is calling someone out for being racist is insane.
Anyone who knows Kat knows she has a loooong history of racism and anti-semitism. The fact that she is calling someone out for being racist is insane.
are you serious? you’re just going to ignore jeffree star’s history of using racial slurs against black & mexican people, saying he’d throw battery acid on a black woman to lighten her skin, and more recently threatening to beat a black woman youtuber to the ground. he’s vile & racist and I’m glad he’s finally getting…
Have you heard her Nerdist interview? I found her to be intelligent and thoughtful.
Next time I go to get a cheap temporary piece of clothing, if it has some distinctive thing on it that makes it especially cute to me, I am going to take a picture and image-search it before purchasing. I can’t promise I’ll buy from the original artist every time, but it should fairly effectively keep me from buying…
If they did, that is, if they ripped off artists who had a stronger and more distinct style, they know they could be sued and they would lose that case. But by copying artists with generic styles, and face it, these are generic designs, it is harder for the artist to make a case.
It would be nice if all the artists affected could organize and pool their resources to fight this. If Zara knew that anyone they stole from would have an organized group they could join with, they may start backing off. And the artists may actually make some progress. This is the kind of thing the internet is good…
I’m a graphic designer, too. There’s a clear and obvious difference between being inspired by an idea, and just blatantly ripping it off.
Knowing that in the meantime, it is costing her lots of money in legal fees. If they drag it on long enough, they hope, they’ll bleed her dry.
I do a lot of graphic design work and I’ll admit that when I find stuff that I like, I’ll do my own riff on the concept or technique. (e.g.I like a color combination so I’ll apply it to one of my original designs. Or I see someone a quote laid out in an interesting way, I might use a similar layout with different…
Zara’s arguments seems less like one they are willing to truly push in court and more like a “You have us dead to rights but before we sit down at a settlement table we figured we would try this one argument and hope you go away ”.
Yeah they really should be ripping off better designers
WOW. They are awfully brazen about it, aren’t they? Most of those don’t have any tweaks to the originals whatsoever. I can’t stand this entitled bullshit. “We’re a corporation bigger than these independent artists, we can do whatever we damn well please and hide behind expensive lawyers while we do it.”
Reason #999 NOT to shop at Zara.
I like how Tiffany is talking about what a great dad Trump is, yet the caption underneath reads “Grew up in Los Angeles, raised mostly by her Mom”
The launch really hasn’t been that terrible. AT all. Stop saying that, it’s driving me nuts. Very rarely do launches on server-based games with massive numbers of players go well in the slightest. This one has been pretty average, and faaaaaaaar from terrible.
*jerk off motion*
We used to play Smash Brothers in our college dorm, and none of us had any grounding in Pokémon so we just made up names for the things that hatched out of the pokeball item. Some said their names intelligibly like Snorlax and Bulbasaur (sp?). Some... Not so much. To me, this Pokémon will forever be known as Floppy…