Becoming even a cop of the lowest rank requires three years of training and the equivalent of an associate’s degree in my country. Consequently, American cops kill 38 times the amount of citizens per capita each year than our cops do.
Becoming even a cop of the lowest rank requires three years of training and the equivalent of an associate’s degree in my country. Consequently, American cops kill 38 times the amount of citizens per capita each year than our cops do.
I’m a white lady and I get anxious every time a cop is driving behind me. I don’t know how POC handle it, because they are infinitely more likely to be harassed, abused, murdered, for doing nothing. It’s really scary out there :(
I honestly wonder if the cop is afraid the victim will live long enough to testify. There is no other reason, with the resources available to them, that they never seem to call for immediate medical care.
I believe that whole heartedly, but it happens everywhere. Look at the Catholic Church same exact thing. Stop protecting people who don't deserve your protection
I remember seeing a stat mot long after Tamir Rice’s murder that 83% of police brutality complaints were filed against 6% of the cops.
“In cases where innocent individuals are shot by police officers”
I once wrote an entire essay here about the amount of training a cop is given with a gun, and while it varies from state to state in Alabama, the basic training requirements include 47 hours of firearms training broken down into different sections, now that may seem like a lot but for comparison in Alabama there are…
3. The victim has a police record!
And what happened to the idea that if you’re going to be a police officer, you’re going to be putting your life on the line to serve the public? That means you sometimes have to take a risk and not fucking shoot someone just because they might pose a threat.
And, of course, carrying a licensed gun is totally legal under THE ALMIGHTY SECOND AMENDMENT which it appears all the same racist idiots are so protective of.
I used to tell myself, “They just don’t know how bad it is. When people know, things will be different.” I can’t tell myself that lie anymore, and the truth that it reveals—that there is a substantial group of white people in this country that just don’t really care about black people—is heartbreaking. I’m so sorry…
THANK YOU. Everyone I know is all “Game of Thrones! Yeah LeBron!” but I have NO ONE to process my feelings about episode 12 and 13 with. I have NEVER sobbed that hard while watching a TV show in my entire life.
Well the next shitty Adam Sandler Netflix movie just wrote itself.
Agree. I feel like he and his family deserve a huge apology from us. We should skywrite “Please forgive us” on the day he leaves DC.
There is no doubt in my mind that he IS going to be remembered as one of the best presidents we’ve had. Thank you, Mr. President.
I’m sure we’re supposed to be all “wah wah poor widdle millionaires” but hot damn if I wouldn’t also be fed up with that crap. 8:30 AM is a perfectly reasonable time to start construction work. 6 GODDAMN AM IS NOT.
Yeah, that’s just ridiculous. And letting the kids join in? I mean, we’re all snarking, but not one of them looks like they took a lick, which means their victim bore the brunt, most likely. You know, sucker punch and then follow up. That’s what it looks like to me. Not one of them has a scratch. If it was an assault…
Of all the things to be gleeful about, assaulting a minimum wage worker (I presume) has got to be the dumbest shit I’ve seen all week.