
My husband and that half of my family are American, and I am in the process of becoming a citizen. (This feels like a really fucking weird time to do that, btw) He has been teary, outraged, and disgusted, as an American, and I don’t know what to say in response.

It’s no wonder why reddit and 4chan love him so much. He’s a troll who doesn’t have to hide behind an avatar and keyboard. I’m so sick for our dumbshit, heartless country.

He did mention something about a gay parade in California earlier yet doesn’t quite puts things together. He dropped California when he realized that they arrested a white guy.

Perhaps he should accept more congratulations on the white guy apprehended outside of Los Angeles. For, surely in that case, there is a more direct line to his vitriol encouraging violent attacks.


And also that it was a gay nightclub, on a Latin night, full of people of color.

Sadly, no. It really isn’t about us. It’s about the three American gun manufacturers exploring a loophole/Iron Triangle that has accidentally appeared/persisted in our legal/political system. The gun manufacturers want to keep making money and living high on the hog. They pay to support the NRA, which has a relatively

Thank you for this space. I just keep falling in love with you as a journalist more and more.

Sorry this wasn’t directed at you. Imeant to write that it wasn’t but forgot. It was just about other actual tv news station I’ve clicked on to.

Wouldn’t imply, and it’s my responsibility as a reporter to state the shooting took place at an LGBT safe space. Also mentioned it took place during Pride month in my first report.

I have a hard time not hating the parents that raised me. My mother, who threw up on me when she read my diary at 16 and vomited on me because she read of my attraction and confusion I now identify as bisexuality. My mother who still, spits the work out gay in angry and whispered tone so my siblings don’t hear her. My

Sorry but I just need to vent. If I see one more news story on this where they neglect to mention that this attack was directed at a Gay Nightclub, I might scream. So many news shows are clearly avoiding the fact that it was directed at the LGTQI community and is a hate crime. They keep saying “Nightclub” and that’s

I’m a gay man and I lost my fiancee to a brutal car accident just days ago. I’m still in shock and my grieving process is going through all sorts of motions. Sudden death is the worst heartbreak. I feel for the victims and their families and friends.

What is wrong with this country? Why are we too stupid to stop handing out assault rifles and high capacity magazines as if there could possibly be a legitimate purpose for owning one? Why can’t we put a shock collar on Fox News as an entity and just zap them every time someone blames this on Obama? Why can’t we

I want to feel anything other than sorrow and hurt, but I can’t. All I’ve been doing is crying. My community is bleeding, and all I can do is cry.

If you look at the history of this club, it was delibrately created to be a safe place for LGBTQ people. That was the intent of the woman who created it after her brother died of AIDS.

Thanks for this space. I’m having a really hard time with this. I just keep thinking about being in my early 20's and going to gay bars for the first time and feeling so elated to be in such a fun and SAFE feeling space, to really feel a sense of community and to be able to let loose in a way that normal spaces would

I just keep thinking about this mother who hasn’t heard anything about her son. I want to believe the son is okay but I’m not feeling optimistic. http://abcnews.go.com/US/mother-man-…

I think she be really fun in small doses. Not a BFF, but someone to get brunch with every once and a while. Then she’d be like, “My baby told me from the womb that we needed to by a new house so we moved.” and I’d be like, “See ya in a couple months, Megs!”

Yeah but Amy Poehler was married to him, that is a hell of a character reference.