
That is still not a word

Not a bad apology, though I’m sure it never would have happened without the backlash. He learned his lesson, at least: don’t badmouth keira-level stars with spotless reps to stroke your own ego.

Very well done. “I was an idiot. I don’t know what I was thinking. I am really sorry.”

That, my friends, is how you eat crow with some dignity. Glad to see there are people willing to admit a mistake, apologize, and not walk it back at the end.

Great, if the directing thing doesn’t pan out, maybe he can teach classes to politicians and semi-famous people on how to write a real apology.

Pretty good apology, actually

I am personally offended by this guy because Keira Knightley is my Imaginary BFF, and how dare he insult her? All those feelings you people have about Jennifer Lawrence? I have them for Keira Knightley instead.

You post the allegation. You post the divorce filing and police report. You don’t post what every chucklefuck like Doug Stanhope has to say. Is it really newsworthy?

Yeah, I'm posting this on every Amber Heard update. Deal with it.

Tabloids are now reporting Depp’s hand injury from last year was sustained during an argument with Heard in which he hit a wallthe wall hit him. Will this persecution never end, etc.

Great and true statement. Unfortunately, no one currently defending Johnny Depp is going to give a shit.

Ah, but why would a company hire 20 people for 20 jobs when they could squeeze 20 jobs’ worth of work out of 15 employees who are so desperate to keep their jobs that they’re afraid to say no?

Absolutely. If an employee routinely has to work more than 40 hours to get through their normal workload, that means one of two things: Either the employee is actually incompetent, or, more likely, the employer is trying to get away with paying one person to do the work of two people.

I never understood how certain people can’t wrap their heads around the idea that working people half to death while paying them next to nothing is actually bad for their bottom line. Those people are going to make themselves sick if they don’t quit first and the work they produce cannot be as good as the work

Yup. You have to pay people for unauthorized overtime. You can fire them if they keep doing it, but you can’t not pay them.

Exactly. These are the same employers who try like hell to get something classified as an ‘internship’ so they can get someone to work for free when there is nothing that furthers their education or experience.

One of the litmus tests has also always been ‘can the employee set his/her own hours?’ and as Wylie so

That guy’s quote pissed me off so much! If you’re giving your staff a workload that requires them 50 or 60 or however many hours a week to complete, that’s on you, not your employees. You need to pay them for their time. He sounds like a real peach to work for.

When did paying people for their work become “anti business?”

Can’t answer for creative jobs, but I will say that it seems like a lot of employers set expectations for employees (especially younger employees) that are so ridiculously high that their jobs cannot be completed in 40 hours, let alone 50. I assume it is the same or worse in the creative fields. For Wylie to say he

1. He cast her, right?