My thoughts exactly! Plus the post by her bff is full of reminders of her accomplishments (basically her IMDb) and that’s the sort of post I’d make for my friend who was trying to cope with something like this.
My thoughts exactly! Plus the post by her bff is full of reminders of her accomplishments (basically her IMDb) and that’s the sort of post I’d make for my friend who was trying to cope with something like this.
If my husband smacked me in the face, having some lady time with my close friends the next day is EXACTLY what I’d be doing. This pic is proving practically the opposite of what Johnny thinks it proves.
Made me think of an article I read that highlighted the need for shelters that allowed pets. It said that some women would decline a bed at shelters that didn’t allow pets and stay in cars, or on the streets instead because they couldn't stand being seperated from the pet and feared for the pet's life if they left the…
To me, it's painfully obvious that the picture is covering the brushing we saw in pictures and in court. Fuck apologists—they're pieces of shit.
So wait she’s just asking for a one time payout of 50k and not a monthly one? That doesn’t seem gold diggery to me. Seems pretty reasonable considering his net worth and her not asking for a portion of any assets.
$50k is not a lot for him. And if they didn’t pool their money, maybe that’s the amount she spent of her own money on him. He is just looking more and more like a jackass. Just grant her the divorce and give her the money.
I’m kinda mad that they rejected the restraining order for the dog. I mean at least they granted it for her, but I have unfortunately just seen too many stories where anger is taken out on a pet.
Seriously. The guy’s net worth is apparently $400 million
Good on Amber for getting away from a toxic, abusive marriage. Sounds like he completely unraveled post breakup with Vanessa Paradis. Anecdotally, when I was a P.A. for a tabloid tv show in the late 90s, I processed some interview footage with him and he was high as a kite. Even though the interview was for tabloid…
The number of Johnny Depp apologists out there is so depressing. I know he’s a lot of women’s Manic Pixie Dream Man Forever, but Jesus. I don’t care if it was alcohol/drug-related and he’s a real nice guy when sober, I don’t care if she “provoked” him, I don’t care if Amber Heard is or isn’t a gold digger, domestic…
$50K sounds like...not very much for Johnny Depp? Anyway, this divorce saga is just sad.
Like any deviancy that focuses on hurting others for amusement or pleasure, I think it’s a bit of both. I think some folks are hardwired for certain “bad traits”, but in the presence of abuse, neglect, etc. that hard-coding emerges more.
You’re painting with a pretty broad brush there. There are certainly a small subset of entitled, evil people out there, but I do not believe there is a huge push from they pedophile community for decriminalization of child molestation. I’ve read multiple articles from journalists and in the mental health community…
They don’t usually knock up other pedos which majority are male. Then to knock up drug addicts, homeless, etc. and then buy or take the child. They also rent children.
Read some undercover account of where these poor kids come from. Turns out, many of them were born into it. Pedophiles apparently meet and knock each other up with the intention of birthing children they can then rape or pimp out.
Wow this escalated fast. Depp/Heard murder suicide by the end of the weekend?
Yeah. This is ugly in the unfunny way.
what doesn’t bode well is TMZ not being taken more to task for the weirdly pro-depp tone of their story. for a story that lasts but a brief few paragraphs they clearly insinuate that she is making it up. as if his mother dying is enough to explain away the fact that he looks like a bloated cirrhosis-fueled walking…
Jesus, especially with skepticism about the bruise, TMZ. LOlz. Women are always lying about getting beaten, I guess?