
It’s plausible, but yeah there is going to some antipathy towards a 27 year old actress who married a megastar and started dating him suspiciously near to the break up of his long term relationship with the mother of his children. Especially as the film they met on was filmed 3 years before said separation.

Meh, I don’t like either of them but Amber is young and shouldn’t waste any more of her life and youth on this drunk mess.

It’s a measure of how much antipathy there is towards Amber Heard that nobody has suggested that maybe she gave him an ultimatum about sobering up. Maybe she couldn’t stand by and watch?

You never see bad guys in movies who are Arab terrorists. It’s always Germans or French…

the news reporting here is worth every penny.

You say it like Hillary didn’t break her agreement to debate Bernie again before California.

I can’t see a downside. Bernie is a pro, and he’ll dismantle Trump piece by tiny piece. Upside for the Dems, a much more public version of Elizabeth Warren’s Twitter war with El Drumpfo. If, by some longshot, Bernie became the nominee, he’ll have already embarrassed the Donald on a national stage. If the more likely

so because she refused a debate, the mean ol mens shouldn’t have one? lol, the old lady had her a chance and she took her ball and went home, so fuck her.

YOU ARE A BILLIONAIRE. If you want 10 million donated to charity just fucking do it and debate for free you despicable windbag.

As a 50 year old Aussie, what I find the most hilarious is that what you Americans consider far left extremists is pretty much the mainstream in most of the rest of the western world.

Absolutely. My ultra conservative family still dismisses my liberalism because I’m “young.” But I get more liberal, in terms of what they would consider liberal, as the years go on. If I’m a 35 year old with a spouse, a mortgage, a buncha kids, have now been in the work force for 20 years, how much more of an adult do

I’m in my thirties now and working in legal aid. I would have to have an actual brain injury and total amnesia to see what I see every day in the lives of my clients and turn around and become conservative. If you open your eyes to the reality of the effects of politics on people’s lives, I don’t know how you can

My little sis goes to a baptist college and will probably marry a preacher or something and I look forward to poisoning the minds of my future nieces and nephews with my left-wing feminist agenda.

I respect your opinion but I have a problem with the fact that by the time she was 18- it would have been simple to look up what you need to know (if the candidate shares your core values) on the internet.

“If you’re not a liberal when you’re 20, you have no heart. If you’re not a conservative when you’re 40, you have no head.”

Starred because it deserves to be ungreyed. But I disagree that conservative policies are reasonable about money - see our military spending, the long term cost of cutting funding to health care, social safety nets, and education. It doesn't matter if you save a dime here if you lose a dollar later because your

It’s nice when people talk about how fiscally conservative their policies are and then when you point out that free birth control prevents expensive health care and welfare costs down the line, for people they don’t want reproducing anyway, or how free/cheap public housing for the homeless drives down spending for

Oh my God I love Leslie Jones. Seriously, she deserves all of the shine she’s getting right now because she is so damn funny. I’m glad that she is finally getting some love because she has been toiling in comedy for years.

I might need to see it twice just to appreciate its awfulness.