
I can’t help but think that some evils simply need to be removed from this world. There is little to no hope of ever fixing what is wrong with him, so I can’t help but feel that ending that existence is better than maintaining it at all.

The “challenging” women you’re looking for will usually be not be the ones you think of first as challenging. Women who have their lives together and are educated and intelligent aren’t going to be screaming “look who smart and successful I am!”. Food for thought.

thank you. it’s very frustrating to have women who had great childhoods/stable relationships with their fathers come in and tell us we’re fucked up. I’m 32 and still dealing with the fall out of my father’s abandonment—-I’ve just finally stopped dating dudes who treat me like shit and thinking I can “change them”. Now

I have never read so many comments from so many people that really don’t understand what the writer was getting at.

Right? I am all for poking boners playfully! I WILL POKE ALL THE BONERS PLAYFULLY! (when I have permission to be that playful, of course, I am not just going around town with binoculars looking for boners to poke...YET.)

Maybe it’s a phrasing issue. You should look for a partner that challenges you, not a challenging partner. In other words, find someone that is willing to push you to be better and help you reach your goals.

Other girls we knew let their boyfriends open car doors, pay for things. They liked to feel safe. We, on the other hand, liked to fuck with men, and also with each other, heckling each other’s boyfriends and thwarting each other’s attempts at romance for kicks.

unfortunately i am literally the exact opposite of that. I’m deeply insecure and test my relationships like a petulant teenager until I feel safe. Just generally a joy to be around you might say!

What you would call ‘challenging’ in a woman, you’d surely call at least borderline ‘abusive’ in a man. My rule; people who are ‘challenging’ should accept an equally challenging partner. This is not what I’ve read out of this. She’s been looking for a human Piñata who will simply absorb anything she levels at him.

It depends. Having your SO’s exes pop up all the time isn’t healthy if they’re still trying to exert some sort of control over the SO or are particularly flirty, nosy, judgmental, etc., which is something that has happened to me. I personally don’t like dealing with my own exes and don’t want to deal with my SO’s

There can be a fine line between being challenging and just being an asshole. This veered into the latter territory (and I don’t even mean the boner poke, which was just insecure and weird).

It’s funny - the childhood and adolescence you describe as leaving you skewed, confused, and ill-prepared for many aspects of life reads as an absolute nirvana to me. I also grew up poor, and felt, somehow, like I was on the outside of everything. I would have traded my feckless parents and non-existent extended

not really

Women also wear suits relatively frequently on the red carpet, often just as a way of mixing up the formal gown rotation rather than as any sort of signal of orientation or identity. It’s a bit ridiculous that a school - even a parochial one - chose this as the place to draw the line in the sand.

In the 70's, even pseudo-ties! Women felt they had to dress like men to be taken seriously.... What is consistent is the constant scrutiny of that with which women adorn ourselves.

Women wear suits all the time in office settings — pants, oxford shirts, and blazers. All The Time. Why adults would suddenly be upset about women wearing pants, shirts and jackets is beyond me. LOL

The website where I first read about this neglected to mention that Wolf was the only one who got the amended dress code and that it was amended right before prom and I still thought the school was full of shit.

Aniya, I’m sorry all of the adults are being awful. You’re handling this really well, and you look great. I hope you had fun at the prom.

I’m glad another school had the integrity that her school did not.