
If this story is true, there is nothing he can endure that is worse than what’s already happened. :/

I don’t give a shit about babies but I am pissed because I finally talked myself out of wanting bangs and here comes Rory Gilmore looking fantastic with the haircut that I want but that will look like crap on me. Dammit Rory!

I still don’t know if it’s a good thing or bad thing that that storyline just sort of faded away.

I’m sure Vincent Kartheiser is a fine human being, but man do I just perpetually want to junk punch him. I guess that is a compliment to how great of a job he did making Pete Campbell my least favorite TV character of all time (in a good way).

I mean, this isn’t the first time Pete Campbell’s baby mama kept her pregnancy and delivery a secret.

If they subtracted for every time someone uses a crappy Southern accent, he would owe them money each week.

If pay is supposed to be commensurate with the quality of the performance, she should make at least double what he makes.

On the one hand, Good! On the other, why do women, proven professionals who have just as much experience as their male costars, still have to wait two to three seasons before they can dare to negotiate for EQUAL pay? Robin Wright is not some out of nowhere nymphet with no experience—she’s a terrific actor with a

Hello, the sides of Mariah’s boobs.

“always thought that was a disrespectful line in the song anyway”

Well, if the cats are eating you, you’re surely dead already, and you’ve likely died in your sleep! A little combo there.

No doubt she had to fight and fight hard considering she joined before orchestras switched to blind auditions. She was clearly a BAMF.

imagine being a woman five feet and three inches tall, literally with the last name of little, and having the sheer brass to say, ‘sure, why not tackle the largest instrument in the orchestra’

What an unbelievable badass. How lucky she is to have found her passion and been able to do it for so long. I can't imagine that those 71 years came without tremendous fight.

I thought it was very weird that people didn’t think she looked 25. What is 25 supposed to look like? People have such a skewed reference for age when looking at people. I’m almost 40, and myself and everyone else I know my age (provided they aren’t smokers or tanning addicts) are just now beginning to get wrinkles. I

Whew! Good for her. That means she can still get work for four more years in Hollywood.

They could have popped her lock quickly too, takes 30 seconds if you know what you’re doing, which I’d think they would know.

I’m so glad someone stood up for you, but OF FUCKING COURSE your boss didn’t believe it until a dude confirmed it independently for him.

The police wouldn’t let her make a long distance phone call????? WTF? In my head, I know that the only person responsible for her death is that terrible man, but that part really upsets me and just makes me wonder what if.

Cox locked herself out of her car and walked to a nearby gas station to phone her boyfriend to bring her a spare; the police wouldn’t allow her to make a long-distance call from the station.