Key Lime Pie

Please ignore Mr. Dubh. His thoughts are reactionary “without full consideration” in my estimation. I disagree with this post. I disagree with most Hamilton posts. Yet I feel this is an important post.

Wolak is the progressive and Chait is the left-leaning centrist.

I admire your dedication to losing.

Never waste a good crisis. Those words were pilloried by those without foresight, but they are true. Hurricane Maria was one of the best things that could have happened to us after Trump won.

What you fail to realize is that by mentioning Pizzagate and Benghazi you breathe new life into a debate that should never have been started. While I understand that these blatantly false smears should be seen as such by the general public you must understand that the general public, especially those that believe that

You failed to mention the single greatest outcome of these indictments.

I watched the Strzok testimony yesterday.  What a brave, kind man.  He was smart and tough, all underscored by a likable humor.  I imagine the FBI teaches such but it seemed authentic.  Warms my heart to know that people of this caliber are defending us from The Kremlin.

Pizzagate is not real.  Stop mentioning it, even in jest.  You are prolonging its life.

The progressives love irony and yet they don’t understand how ironic it is to blame centrists for not opposing Kavanaugh when it was their intentional fracturing of the left during 2016 that allowed his nomination in the first place.

But we can count on the progressive wing of the left to do what, exactly? Besides lose, of course. Centrism is a vehicle for votes and your rejection of it necessitates loss. Purity is the death of any political movement and though we share similar views you all feel the need to rebel against something you don’t fully


It is amusing to see you all lose your minds over InfoWars. Do you not understand what it is? Seems not.

Fair points, but it looks like you underestimated the rejuvenating medications available to elite-tier, aging athletes.

I am not. I am a left-leaning centrist.

A blanket statement? Maybe, but I don’t believe so. The French have a nasty habit of feigning charity while immersing themselves in gluttonous, self-centered degeneracy. Just look at they way they are treating their migrants. They live in camps which the French government routinely, after a while, scatters and burns.

I understand.  Please know that I am not attempting to persuade you.  I am just listing facts.  Whether you believe them or not is of no consequence to me.  My only interest is defending Croatia from a litany of historical lies and supporting them in the World Cup.  

The Baby Boomers were gaslit to believe that Croatia was not a victim of the Third Reich but an active aggressor. Their children grew up believing the tale. This particular fabrication is so entrenched in the Western psyche that reactions like yours are common, expected, and natural.

Pretext to this odd comment is the assumption that Croats actually did conduct the mass killings you claim. They didn’t. Like I said, that is a Western European lie intended to distract from their own very real atrocities. And as I also said the Poles were complicit in these fabrications until recently. Having just

This is exactly why we must cut off all aid to Israel, the home of White Supremacy. 

Year after year the role of the Ustaze is exaggerated to distract from and reduce the role that Western Europe played in Word War II. Italy was an axis power, The Duke of Windsor supported Hitler, and France sat on the fence. The struggle between Eastern and Western Europe is still playing out today. Italy’s