Western Europe would like you to believe this but it’s not true. You are repeating revisionist history written by nations that are attempting to escape blame for their own atrocities. England specifically.
Western Europe would like you to believe this but it’s not true. You are repeating revisionist history written by nations that are attempting to escape blame for their own atrocities. England specifically.
The only thing Donald Trump enjoys more than fascism is revenge. He ran for president with the goal of humiliating Hillary Clinton, retribution for a falling out they had years back. You’ve, I’m sure, seen the photo of Donald, Melania, and the Clintons at Chelsea’s wedding, yes?
That is a well-known Polish lie.
I was just over at Deadspin commenting on The Cup. If at all possible, please remind me never to go back. It is filled with hyper-masculine trolls.
What you, and the troll you reference, are doing is called Victim Blaming. Croatia suffered at the hands of England just as most nations have. They suffered at the hands of the Third Reich. They have been targeted and abused throughout their history. Nevertheless, they persisted. They are showing that the Croatian…
I do not engage with trolls. Please move along.
I came here to say exactly this.
I think you’re ignoring just how sophisticated and effective the Russian trolling operation was. They used Twitter, Facebook, and even made Youtube videos that were specifically designed to go viral. I don’t want to repeat myself. Suffice it to say that Russian interference was the sole reason for Hillary Clinton’s…
There was a time when people would log onto America Online for the simple, single purpose of arguing with others rather than joining a sophisticated discussion of relevant events. Glad to see that pastime still exists.
That’s the cost of not supporting a tinpot despot bent on subverting democracy in the west, no? That’s the cost of avoiding energy slavery to a regime whose intent it is to destroy you, no?
I have never been to a strip club and do not plan on ever going, but I did always assume that it was an “anything goes” environment. At least this is said about the VIP Room. Maybe the laws are different on stage? Curious.
Well, we know that the Russians rolled out some fairly brilliant trolling strategies in 2015 and supported Trump through those strategies. What may have been more effective though was the way they were able to smear Hillary Clinton in the Midwest. That was where the battle was truly won.
Are you familiar with LNG? That acronym stands for Liquefied Natural Gas. America is becoming an exporter of such and would be happy to sell to Europe so that they might get off the Russian tit, as it were. That said, Poland is not a slave to Russian gas. Why is Germany?
Yes, I understand. NATO is clearly obsolete considering what they were able to accomplish during our 2016 election. We should defund and disband it. Germany at the very least is working for Russia.
You can clearly read. Maybe you have trouble with comprehension? Either way I believe we’re on the same side with respect to this issue.
I see your point, but it’s hard for me to be comfortable with my tax money going to Europe and Israel. We need to take a step back and consider what they use our money for. Germany apparently gives it to Russia. Israel buys weapons with which they conduct genocide on the Palestinians. Who knows what other countries…
To be fair, I would prefer that my tax money is not paid to Germany and other nations that turn around and give it to Russia - the country that destroyed our democracy and used a highly sophisticated online trolling operation to trick American voters into electing Trump.