
Just say no to Republic stars running for office.

Ironically, I would be pretty damn okay with Terry Crews going into politics. Dude has spoken really well on his feminism and he’s funny and supportive. I like the guy!

My husband just told me if I ever brought tom hardy home, he’d understand

Now playing

Too bad there wasn’t video of the moped chase. I’ll just have to imagine that it ended something like this.

Funnily enough, this is what I say to Tom Hardy in my dreams where I do a similar, albeit concertedly different thing to him.

Sorry! Best gossip today is that my baby is a year old. Too impatient for SNS!

United Airlines spokesman Henry “Indiana” Jones, Jr. stated that forcible removal is standard protocol when an involuntary volunteer refuses to comply with a volunteering order.

I think it’s more of a public statement than anything. Showing that citizens are willing to come together to embarrass/fight against corrupt politicians. Donating directly to the ACLU wouldn’t really be much of a message, as no one would know about it. Congressmen might blink if they saw citizens had raised millions

Unlike all the other 18-year-olds out there, who have mostly solved matters of international security, pandemics and poverty?

What could you possibly mean by that? Berlin is one of the world’s most international, multi-lingual, progressive cities. You elected this moron. You. Not us.

Now that President Obama has moved on, it’s actually nice to see the new leader of the free world sitting in the Oval Office, and also Donald Trump.

I always want to read “Chad Michael Murray” as “Chazz Michael Michaels.”

what? no.

Mama Mia! This could be his Waterloo. When he asked the American people “Take A Chance on Me”, they should have known he was in it for the Money, Money, Money. But That’s the Name of the Game when you hire a Dancing Queen to run the show.

Renée Elise Goldsberry connected “to people who [she] did not even know were still alive” because they all wanted Hamilton tickets

There we go again.

I made this the other night because fuck this guy

Oh, I love that woman so much!


Yaaaaay! This is my favorite thing Jezebel does all year. In case anyone else is like me and can’t get enough of these stories, I posted these links before, and am reposting for posterity: