Cmon. Reverse the roles. Girls drive the cars and guys are the models. From my experience, women, by far, objectify men a lot worse than men do. Especially in a group of girls, you are going to be groped beyond your imagination.
Cmon. Reverse the roles. Girls drive the cars and guys are the models. From my experience, women, by far, objectify men a lot worse than men do. Especially in a group of girls, you are going to be groped beyond your imagination.
Have you even looked at a grid girl in the last few seasons? Seriously?
Yes! I came here looking for someone pointing the obvious: snow. It’s pretty apparent at this point that AWD vs FWD proposition gets dubious on dry pavement as shown by so many track records being toss-ups between production cars with different drivetrains. AWD still wins in snow, but it’s something reviewers never…
There was a pair of Subarus and an RS in the theater parking lot after the snow we just got having an absolute blast.
Devils advocate here. My friend Liz is a professional model, motorsport enthusiast and owns a killer RX-7. She actually looks forward to the F1 and MotoGP race at COTA in which she is a grid girl.
Why is it stereotypical that girls that choose to model are looked down upon by the very women that should support them?…
I hope we get to see this Pantera brought back from the Cemetery Gates.
What a wonderful piece. Chrono Trigger is probably one of the most pivotal games in my life, and that fireside scene definitely transcends any kind of video game writing that I have ever seen. Beyond the whole world-saving shtick, I felt that the game was very intimate and poignant. All the characters were important…
False accusations are an issue, which can be read about more here:
There are very specific profiles for the type of person that makes false accusations. It’s not a willy-nilly, any-woman-will-do-it kind of thing.
What you’re making is a complete strawman…
authoritarian clothing has always been a staple of punk culture, worn disheveled and adorned with spikes/patches/etc that are often added haphazardly as to show a clear disrespect for the original intent of the uniform.
Nothing says Punk like a bunch of cops and soldiers.
As a Man U fan (who once flew nonstop from Cali to Manchester for a game) and a hardcore gamer, fuck this guy.
(spoiler: she’s played by a man)
It’s pretty slick, but a part of me just goes
Pop quiz, hotshot: You’ve caught feels for this woman. ... What do you do? WHAT DO YOU DO?
If he’s actually your white friend, he won’t ask or say it. He or she will just know
I see your idea and respond with Black and White, Spore, to mention countless others. You have games that get extensive amounts of hype, and then the critics match that hype with considerable praise...only for that praise to becoming meaningless after six months because of fundamental flaws and the novelty of the game…