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What do you mean “look”?
Displacement taxation, licensing, etc. I’d put the odds of this bike seeing North America at less than zero.
They’ve got two wheels and handlebars. Don’t see a whole lot else similar.
To me, this screams less “unoptimized chassis” and more “production ready should the reaction be good and we can toss 500 of them out there to sell in California with tax credits”.
Dropped down to 4 a few years ago.
Yea, actually saw ‘em last year. Show was a little rough, but you’re right, the new album is pretty good.
DBT and the Old 97s? Were those years the 90s?
What twitter do you use?
Do people actually still use Twitter in 2015? Honest question. I got bored with it around 2 years ago, and I think I barely pop up the app once a week, usually when I click a link that’s a tweet.
Maybe if you have a job which requires you to wear a suit, make 6 figures, have intentions of making it a career, etc. Otherwise, who the fuck cares? If it’s some retail/food service/McJob, who gives a shit? Turnover is high enough at shitty jobs that would employ high school students, why wouldn’t you get laid while…
Y’all must have some really non-chill co-workers.
It’s food service dude.
So, question that always irks me. Why is the statement “don’t shit where you eat”? I’m not shitting, I’m fucking. Kind of a different result.
Most of the old MTV “cribs” episodes with whatever the flavor of the month hip hop/rap artist was weren’t actually showing off their houses. The label rented some place, popped some cars off, and they shot the episode. It was a hype video more than any thing. If you’re a high profile individual, who may attract a…
Why? Better ride and the ability to actually find performance rubber at non-exorbitant pricing.
Yes. These have never been light bikes. Really no different than an HD sportster.
No, the guy in that video is the same guy. All those clips are from 2011-2012. After He left, they gave the gimmick to “Hunico”, the guy dressed like a mid 90’s Latino gangster in the clip where Sin Cara blows out his knee on the dive to the outside.
You’re about as oversensitive and bitchy as he is on twitter. Figures.
Seriously, that takes some balls to get in the ring with that botch machine.