Yuji Ide

And Cox had next to nothing to do with the LMP2 program. But hey, go get your internet blood angried up.

No shit. Did you not read “there are plenty of tracks lined up that want a race”. Bernie doesn’t give two shits if the track makes up their sanctioning fee through ticket sales, or through an Oil Monarch’s checkbook.

Yea, and no one goes to them as is. They’ve been trying to can Laguna for years, Irwindale is gone, Ontario is gone, Riverside is gone, Autoclub speedway is a ghost town. Good luck getting a billion dollar FIA grade one facility built in an area where no one wants it.

Frankly, why should he be? He makes money off of the TV contracts, not local venue ticket sales. He’s got plenty of venues lined up that want to host a race, so actual in person attendance is irrelevant.

I went to IMS every year it was around, I think the most I paid was $75 for a weekend. Parking was like 20 bucks. The prices for COTA with the seat licenses, $100 parking permits, etc is just obscene.

When tickets run $400+ for the weekend, and a large chunk of the COTA crowd came up from Mexico in the first place, putting an event in Mexico most certainly hurt sales.

Ticket sales were shit, period. They’re kidding themselves if they think that there were going to be 40-50k “Walkup” fans buying 200 dollar tickets the day of the race. Yea, Weather made saturday suck, but sales were flat.

A *huge* chunk of the COTA crowd in previous years came up from Mexico. Having a race in Mexico city a week later definitely had an effect.

What’s Bernie got to do with the hapless, backassward COTA management team? Look at what their track rental rates are for club weekends. Look at their seat prices, look at event prices for non-f1 events. Everything at that facility is exorbitant. It’s dead within 5 years, tops.

“Build” “track” “southern california”.

It won’t. I give it 3 years tops before the track is a housing development.

They’re still selling a “street 900” trim of the Bonneville, with a 900cc motor in 2016, so, the same market is still being served.

Maybe it’s because I do a lot of dual sport/off road/loose surface stuff, but clutch control is like nearly skill #1 when it comes to a bike, especially with low speed maneuvering and such. Losing that just seems like a serious liability when it comes to crawling over stuff.

Can I ask why? I’ve been driving/riding manual gearbox everythings since I was 8 years old, so...close enough to 30 years, and I don’t even think twice about it. It’s just reptile brain instinct and muscle memory. I’d say when I’m riding in stop and go traffic, I’m not even using the throttle, just feathering the

Groms are still going for MSRP around here, so, $3200 bucks, plus 200 for “delivery” and all that crap, plus tax, tags, etc. Hence, close to $4k out the door.

So, it’s a scooter.

Just looking at them in pictures, I’m pretty sure they’ll be heavier.

Good point. Triumph also has their “scrambler” based off the bonnie, and it’s a good 500+ lbs. Easy enough to get confused.

$4k range?

“light and flickable” “triumph scrambler”.