Yuji Ide

Because the people that drop 13-15k for new bikes don’t want small motors, and could give two shits about lightweight street bikes. This thing is smack dab aimed at BMW’s R-nine-T, both in displacement and weight.

If it’s under 500 lbs, I’ll eat my Bullitt.

#1 tip on all these lifehack articles should be “get a better job”. Seriously, 30k is barely poverty wages in any major metropolitan area. It always irks me that they focus on saving money, but not making more.

10 bucks? Your chili must suck. 10 bucks wouldn’t cover the meat I put in mine.

As someone who shopped them back then, please, tell me why I’m wrong. These didn’t have the Supra/F&F Bump back then. 18-20k got you an excellent early-mid 90’s example. 10-12k got you a 100k mile car.

Go back 7-8 years ago and look at the prices of used NSXs, especially the early ones with the less powerful engines and the shitty gearboxes. They were 12-15k cars in nice shape, a likely wrecked one like this probably ran 6k.

“inexperienced riders, who also cannot usually afford this much on top of the cost of a bike.”

Explain the logic. You telling me a 35 year old just getting into bikes can’t afford $450 bucks? Let’s be honest, most “inexperienced” riders that are 19-20 years old aren’t going to be wearing a lid to begin with.

They do. It’s right in the article. for 459-499. If that’s too much, you need to find a different hobby.

I’ve gone down on dirtbikes, had impacts in a caged race car, etc, and in every case, the gopro mounted to my helmet via the curved adhesive mount has popped right off. The sticky stuff is fine for up to about ~140 mph, but doesn’t do much in an impact. Doesn’t worry me.

The visor snaps off pretty easily, as does an adhesive gopro mount.

You ever worn a $1300 helmet? Do so and you’ll understand the costs. When you’re dealing with serious lightweight materials and aerodynamics, costs go up exponentially.

The hybrid system is exactly what I’m talking about. And guess what, the good systems are being used almost the entire lap. This isn’t the 2010-era stuff where it’s a glorified push to pass. Honda can’t use theirs nearly as much, so yes, they have a real 160 hp disadvantage.

The Hondas are realistically 150+ hp down right now. With the COTA straights, it won’t matter, even with rain. They’re going to get dogged by the Manors.

He’s not really though. Look at his math, and most of it doesn’t make sense. His “solution” to save 420/month in eating out doesn’t take buying food into account at all.

So, “life hacks” are seriously only useful for people that are unemployed or really bad with math, aren’t they?

Bingo. For someone that’s single, or a couple, eating out, if you aren’t going nuts on the adult beverages, usually ends up being cheaper than cooking for yourself when you factor in decent ingredients. Factor kids and such in, and this obviously changes, but seriously, I can’t make a good meal at home for less than

My kid rides in the front seat of a roadster (airbag deactivated, of course), and in the back seat of a 60’s era German box. The looks I get pulling a chicco car seat out of there are fun.

Dude, not even close. Even the rawest car from 50 years ago doesn’t require the focus and skills that a bike does. No comparison, at all.

But...it was. The Balls to release an 8 minute song as your lead single were simply amazing.

Having eaten over the entire US. “Chips & Dip” is Chips and Salsa. really not a tough one.