Yuji Ide

Asian. Anything else really need to be said?

79.99 was pretty common for the larger mb carts in the SNES days circa 1994 or so in the US.

This country being..Canada?

If “wearing clothes that fit, and don’t look like I purchased them at Wal-Mart” is an “overly curated costume” to your sensibilities, than I kinda pity you. Your post seems to reek of an unwarranted jealousy.

What the fuck are you talking about? Not looking like a chump slob has nothing to do to “living up to someone else’s ideals”. It’s called having respect for yourself.

I’m more of a p-car and roundel-oriented guy. Got a toyoter pickemup truck though.

They’re...khakis. Unless you work at best buy or something, why in god’s name would any adult wear them? Wear nice dress slacks like any other civilized person.

Truthfully, if I don’t have a kid running around, it’s free and clear give the neighbors a show by the bay window time.

Khakis make you look like you’re 12 years old. I question the sensibility of any adult I see wearing them. Just wear dress slacks.

Niche bike maker selling boutique bikes to a market that could get a better ride for half the cost. Sucks that they’re gone, but is this really a tragedy?

I actually will fully rock shorts. I don’t skip leg day, and I’ve been riding road bikes for 20 years, I’ll gladly show these legs off. Otherwise? Jeans like any other non-sedentary human being.

Outta curiosity, how old are you anyway? I’m within spitting distance of 40, I’m a dad, and I don’t dress like shit. I don’t own sweatpants, I wouldn’t be caught dead in a pair of khaki pants, I don’t wear oversize polo shirts, my only “athletic” apparel is the shit I wear in the gym 7 days a week. I rock at least a

never 4get.

Click is just a bizzare movie to watch. The last third of the movie when it goes off the rails and gets depressing is just odd.

His supporting cast is a lot weaker than his 90s stuff. Go back and watch Billy Madison, Happy Gilmore, etc. Sandler has his bits, but the ridiculous other characters make up huge chunks of the movies. His current stuff is all Sandler, all the time, and he’s just not funny.

What’s it feel like to give up on life?

So who did they hire from the DOA series?

Awww, the stupid little kid is all butt-hurt that he got laughed out of the comments section for being an idiot.

Dude needs to eat the eggs.

So, how’d that “cutting down on pit time” strategy work?