
So anyway...here’s a magic trick.

He Kobayashi Maru’d it like a boss

It’s five o’clock somewhere.

This is just sad, and so unnecessary. Students always have access to community colleges, which are real institutes of higher learning, and are a wonderful bargain for students. If you’re thinking about signing up at a for-profit, check out your local community college first.

Colin Kapernick should stick to *watches recent game film* uh actually politics and social media

It’s now el clickbaito

You’re asking if the black guy or police officer is liable? Is this some kind of trick question?

You know what I love about the new trailer? DEPTH OF FIELD!! It seems like every science fiction filmmaker has wanted to show off all the lovely detail work they put into the settings and scenery: Everything in focus almost all of the time. I think it probably made it easier on the special effects guys, that their

You can always tell when swimmers beef. Just look for the bubbles.

OMG, the night before Xmas was the longest. 8 childhood Christmas Eve hours is equal to roughly 9 months in Adult time.

Usually the boos is only a problem at her family parties.

Really, Eugenics is where you go? Troll much?