
There is a solution - he needs to fuck someone else without his wife’s consent. Balance will be restored.

As a lifelong KC resident, I immediately thought of this poor sob when I heard the name of the dead KKK fuckstain. Similar to my thoughts when my favorite band Isis had something similar happen to them.

The biggest practical asset that blacks have to affect change is a Scrooge McDuck-esque vault of hard-earned anger. Wasting your biggest resource by complaining and typing on a keyboard to gain short-term catharsis, instead of focusing it like a laser on wealth accumulation, is confusing and genuinely makes me sad.

That is so Houston it hurts.

Someone should ask him what tail tastes like.

Eat dicks. Kubrick has no time for your hand-wringing. The joy, heartbreak, and introspection his movies have produced vastly outweigh one persons suffering. He is to movies what a socialist utopia is to humanity writ large. Neither come without a price.

Monopsony - the reason trve socialism always fails.

+1 roast beef sandwich

All more regs will do is further steer new trucks into the preening douchebag market by raising prices. Rising truck prices (especially diesel trucks) are slowly bleeding the customers they’re supposed to be used by; work and emissions/safety regs are the number one culprit. They’re turning into trophies for asshole

Will, is that you? Will? WILL?!??! Where are you, Will? Mommy’s coming, Will!