Yuhaddabia "Big Shot" Dinja

No offense to your work here, Alex, but I think the AV Club would have done well to pay Nathan Rabin for a one-off take on the show’s handling of Juggalo culture.

Things I would like to add to the discussion.

I’m traveling so I’m behind, but - wait, Mudd repeatedly murders Captain Lorca, and they punish him just like they did in “I, Mudd”, by putting him back together with his shrew of a wife?!?!?!? Am I the only person here who wonders if the Last 50 Years exist at all for the writers of Discovery...?

Pear Jam is the poor man’s apricot jelly.

Man...I thought this was the best one yet.

Well I for one stopped watching Mad Men after the first episode, when it gave Don credit for inventing “It’s Toasted,” which was a phrase created way back in 1917! When I learned that no one was fired for that blunder, I said to myself, “CineCraft, this show clearly is going nowhere fast, if they can’t even get the

Would Picard say anything like this ? He was talking us to dead with nothing but metaphysical implications. In preparation of Discovery i re-watched some episodes of TNG and it has a deliberate slow pace designed to let you think about the metaphysical implications.

Something which has bothered me to see from some of the more extreme fans. - declaring Discovery to be “trash”, actively wanting it to be cancelled and dismissing it as the worst thing in Trek history.

Sigh. Me afraid me have to agree. And me loved Zack’s reviews of earlier Trek series — they one of favorite things AVC ever did. But me very frustrated with Star Trek fans who not willing to let new show be new show and not retread of everything that came before.

I get why people are frustrated with the show, and your review touches on some of what I consider to be the strengths and weaknesses here, but when a reviewer comes right out and says they cannot review a show on its own merits, I am forced to wonder if they’re the right person for the task.

I have a lot of respect for

“Just another well-shot martial arts film”

Drug War is so fucking good. And To is stylish without generally calling attention to himself, it’s all about serving the story. Relentlessly moving forward like a shark, bringing in more and more people (the deaf brothers!) and pitting them against each other with no emotional underpinnings, just professionals trying

Counterpoint: Popeyes kicks KFC’s ass.

being a human who shits, I reserve the right to call you an asshole.

Hey this was a really well-done article! I’d be great to get more stories like this, although the vetting process would probably become a nightmare.

Clayton, for god’s sake do not show Eraserhead to the future mom either!

Well, since everyone went to see American Assassin, I’m guessing they were hoping a scene in which Jesus (holding a machine gun) kicks down a door, then announces “I died for you. Now it’s your turn, bitches”. That’s how allegories work, yes?