Yuhaddabia "Big Shot" Dinja

I’m calling it now: Tony unsuccessfully hits on a girl supporting the away team at a high school basketball game, who is definitely not interested in him, yet oddly impressed by his awkward boldness and a little flattered. Her name? You guessed it: Jennifer...

Lucas didn’t have a plan for the first three movies, but he took the time between installments to get the story right. He took time between the prequels, too, but by then he’d lost touch with what made the story so special.

I got a Black Sabbath notification for this?

Halloween 3 actually returns to the original anthology concept that John Carpenter favored, even th0ugh the studio just wanted to crank out Michael Myers movies. So you really don’t know what you’re talking about in all kinds of ways...

Bunk and McNulty investigate the Mad Pooper:


Now playing

B-?! Detective Stabler would like a few words with you...

Speaking of Indiana Jones &tKotCS, I want to give some love to Hellboy 2. I saw them in a double feature at a drive-in meetup. Everyone who stayed for Hellboy 2, even if they’d never heard of the first movie, loved it. It’s too bad the marketing department couldn’t figure out a way to get people to see it, since

“Imagine” a Lennon bracelet! Just as soon you convince your Millennial friends that we shouldn’t judge him too harshly since he confessed to his early misogyny and repented and tried to make amends, he gets shot four times in the chest and is screaming in pain from your wrist and--ok, this isn’t going to work, is

a bundle of repetitive, worn-out tics

Yeah, with dragons!


Why the fuck are you reviewing this show?

Yeah, it wasn’t that Lucas had it all planned it, it’s that he took the time to get the story right, with 3 years in between films. (Of course, this didn’t work for the prequels, when he’d lost touch with what made it all work in the first place.) Disney’s plan was to cash in and push out a movie a year regardless of

This post aborted by Kinja.

It was the first thing to come to mind as far as non-superhero comic book movies go. It’s certainly more adult than anything Zack Snyder has ever made...

I guess you’ve never seen Ghost World. As for superhero movies for adults, Logan is at the top of my list, but you probably wouldn’t get it, as it’s all about that death stuff that no one cares about...

I would definitely pay money to see Gal Gadot’s butthole...

Cillian Murphy’s character was a bike courier in 28 Days Later. So maybe it’s an homage to that pandemical apocalypse, for some reason...

This is the only good thing to come out of Harry Potter.