
Do we really have to derail every thread in which something bad happens to someone(usually this thing is done in threads where woman is the victim) with some stupid remarks?


Well if a golden penis admits to be women hater and abusive to his women we should forgive him, it is sad that when we decide if someone is good person we don’t mind if he is women hating asshole or even a wife beater or rapist. When he is racist or homophobic that is a big NO, and he is terrible person, when he is

Also, Louis CK is at the height of his popularity and power; Cosby was a star from decades ago. It would be as if these women started coming out while The Cosby Show was at the height of its popularity.

Of course you do. Jezebel readers like all people have the same problem they judge women way more harshly than any man. If there was a rumor of some famous woman acting way less disgusting then Louis, lets just say that the rumor is that she is slightly annoying every other word would be I knew it all along that she

but Louis CK is too precious?


me, being part of the problem: reading all this news about Louie, saying “oh that can’t possibly be true,” rolling over, and watching more Louie.

its not the 1st case when somebody is speaking up about Louis CK being a perv ?? right

I’m here to tell everyone at J D C that we discussed this via text message and it ended with FP saying, “your face is problematic”.

So why isn’t somebody with more juice than Louis CK coming out about this? If it’s that well known, Seinfeld, Tina Fey, Amy Poehler, etc. could do something about it.

This week has been full of bullshit from humanity, including have to school a dad in front of his kid (chaperoning a school trip) about why you don’t just randomly yell ‘you’re hot!’ at women in the street. Add in this ass hat and this is essentially where I’m at.

Guys, come on. If you just do what a cop tells you, you’ll be fine!

The Japanese embassy in Paris had to set up a 24-hour hotline for tourists suffering from ‘Paris syndrome’, aka the shocking realisation that the reality of the city doesn't match their romantic expectations.

There is a baseline level of harassment no matter where you go. If you are an attractive young women, men will comment all the time. sometimes they say “you are very charming, miss.” sometimes they try to lick your face (seriously!) It ratchets up in intensity when you go into neighborhoods with higher density of

Yes but a signicant proportion of harassment I experienced in France was by Muslim French men - it's a combo of French attitudes towards women plus the imported cultures of Tunisia, Algeria etc. Muslim women covering their heads is complicated but not due to harassment by French guys

Pascale Boistard, Secretary of State for Women’s Rights, told the newspaper 20 Minutes that while the subway can be “a pick-up spot,

Pepe lePew was kind of rapey.

No, its because French women are pathologically afraid of appearing prudish. Including Mme Boitard.

There’s an OKCupid question along the lines of, “Would you grope an attractive stranger on a crowded subway train? In this scenario, the person wouldn’t know that you had groped them or that they had even been groped at all.”

Answers to that question make for an excellent way of immediately disqualifying certain