
That only works as long as they continue to have tangible international support.

I’m not mad at science nor do I think science = bad. It is totally normal to disagree with findings or recommendations. People in the scientific community disagree with each other the time. It doesn’t make them anti-science. It just means they disagree. I’m not sure why you are viewing in this in such rigid black and

Oh it would only effect his descendents if they were up for a high leadership job at a corporation or running for office.

She could very well have health problems you aren’t aware of. You can get a lot of bone conditions from multiple pregnancies.

Unless my husband also had a medical degree and a team of professionals at the ready, ain’t no way he’s gonna deliver anyone in our bathroom.

Nothing gets attention like telling women how wrong they are. It is a national past time. Like baseball, but more fun and lucrative.

My Grandma had 9 children, with only 11 years between the oldest and youngest. My Grandfather worked away from home for many many years, I think basically only coming back to get her pregnant then go again. It makes me so mad to think of how little support fathers were expected to give. My Mum is second oldest and

It is unavoidable that a dead man’s relatives who are instructed not to vote for the first woman president will be tied to a vehement hatred to strong women in leadership.

Mom suffered no major health problems from any of the births

This is exactly what annoys me most about mainstream conservatives these days. They’re not saying, “Vote for Rand Paul,” or “Vote for Ted Cruz,” they’re simply against Clinton.

Old white guys are so afraid of Hillary they’ll preach fear from the tomb....I’m dying. I need to start writing like, right now, the next great American novel where dead conservatives prowl the earth for mail-in voting forms, then Hillary vanquishes them with a ray gun.

Its like they want their family name to be forever associated with being women haters.

Like there was some doubt that an 80 year old white guy from North Carolina hated Hillary.

DAD delivered them? Even in some of the most oppressed societies for women, a midwife is kinda an essential thing. That sounds awful and risky and selfish after a time, because what if you die during childbirth leaving like six kids? That’s just nuts.

I’m guessing this is as tame a message as they could craft from his statements on the topic. “That bitch will ruin America” just doesn’t feel as obit-y.

Mom hit the genetic lotto that allowed her body to do that?

They were all really lucky.

That sucks... It sounds like your mom was getting pressured or scolded on both ends. From the midwife who is looking out for her best interest and the husband who probably views sex as his right to have. Literally no way she could win...awful.

For my money, this show went wrong from the spousal rape in the pilot when they set the template for any criticism of the show's treatment of abuse against women: "Oh, but it's not rape-rape! You know rape happened in the Middle Ages! OH JUST STOP BEING SUCH AN UPTIGHT PRUDE, NOTHING TO SEE HERE! MOVE ALONG!"

Drogo and Dany's original sex scene was in a sense even worse in the books because of how young Dany is in the books. She's still relatively young in the show, but in the books she had literally just had her first period. The show I think compensated for the loss of some of the age squick-factor by making the scene