
That doesn’t mean those women didn’t believe in a woman’s right to choose. No president accomplished everything they want. the patriarchy influences the way women think of themselves sometimes too. I also know that men don’t want the same restrictions on their reproductive rights that they want to place on women. I

I imagine the wives are people who don’t share their true thoughts with even their own conservative husbands. I see that stuff all the time. 

It would have been incredibly difficult in my early 20s, but now, in my late 40s, a sex strike would be easier :-)

Ummm, how about we start the definition with not having laws to that practically ban abortion? Crazy, right?

As someone who spent my formative years trapped most Sundays in an evangelical Southern Baptist church stifling with “just close your legs” rhetoric, let me definitively state that this ain’t the way.

Honestly if I lived in GA? I’d pack my shit up and just leave post hate and never return. Because fuck that...

So you know that your husband/boyfriend is a potential rapist and you still have sex with him?

I would move.

If women want to not have sex, and only continue having sex because otherwise the guy will rape them, aren’t they already having coerced sex?

Her proposal is very silly, but not because it negates women who don’t choose to have sex or (God help me) because it will lead to rape. It’s stupid because it’s shallow, performative, seemingly narcissistic claptrap that won’t be adopted and won’t accomplish anything. Women abstaining from sex is not the cause of rape

I thought Southern/Bible Belt states have higher teen pregnancy and STI rates and watch porn more than anybody. If anything, despite their public rhetoric they’re probably having more sex in private, horribly, so a Lysistrata-like withholding might work against these misogynist hypocrites.

Ok sex strike may be extreme and counterproductive but if I was a Georgia woman I would triple up on my birth control. No babies until assurance is given that something like a birth defect or an ectopic pregnancy won't be used to prosecute me

I love her for saying this. If even 50% of women could stand strong with this stance it would hold an impact.

As a 35 year old considering getting pregnant, this makes me feel a bit better. If this is the new normal, maybe people will stop asking me why I’m not more like my younger sister (4 kids, started age 21).

My mom was 39 when she had my little brother in 1988 (she turned 40 a week and a half later). She was considered positively ancient to be bearing a child, not just by me (who, as a kid, though every adult was old), but by her friends and doctors. She was a real rarity, at least in our community. Now, I think about my

As someone who’s over 35 and is trying to get pregnant, this makes me feel better about myself. Sure, my lack of current employment brings me back down to earth (thank god for partners amirite), but I’ll take what solace I can get.

One’s mental health should also be taken into consideration when planning pregnancy. Physically I may be pushing 40, but there’s no way I would have been mentally prepared for the Little Bear before now. For those who struggle with mental health, I’m glad I had my baby now, rather than earlier.

Huh, I really have not noticed any change in my energy and capacity to deal with sleep deprivation. I had my kids at 31, 33, and (3 weeks ago) 37 and the sleep deprivation has sucked about the same every time. I didn’t have kids in my 20s but I was taking a lot of overnight call and that was way worse than baby care.

Honestly, I get really annoyed when people make the “But you’ll be so old!” argument when people wait to have kids. Yes aging is a thing, but your mobility and overall health aren’t JUST dictated by that. Genetics and good lifestyle choices make up for a lot. I’m in WAY better shape at 30 than I was at 19; my 60 year

Can I take a minute to throw some massive side eye at the folks who tell you “There’s no perfect time to have a baby. You get ready when you get pregnant.” I’m turning 30 later this year and I’ve started hearing this in the last 6 months.