
Am I the only person here without any frenemies? If I don't like people I just don't spend any time with them or accept their friend requests on facebook. Am I ruder than I imagined?

Are they talking about more attractive to other tigers? Obviously, I have no idea what tigers find attractive. I think the tiger on the right is way hotter.

@egg cream: You could, but collard greens are only OK (in my opinion) if they're stewed in some way rather than just sauteed.

@Angelina Scarangella: Yesterday I saw a truck with an ad for this brand of pet food. They make turducken flavored dog food!

@littleada: Most of the guys I know trim quite a bit, but I only know one or two who remove everything.

@dodo-bajoe: Ugh, I've gotten those backhanded compliments too. "Wow, you got in shape!" (When I was actually exactly the same size and level of fitness as before.)

@LaurieStrodeTheBoatAshore: Is that the Rob Lowe/Demi Moore movie from the 80s? I watched that recently and...well, I didn't really enjoy it, but I watched the whole thing.

@unicorns, not centaurs: I don't have any idea if that's true, but I would think kids would skew it upwards. I ate so much more as a teenager than I ever could now.

@andromache liebes the Deutsch: The problem with her idea is that collard greens take so much longer to cook than other greens! And they're disgusting if you don't put LOTS of fat in them.

@alwaysapropos: I was always bullied by the boys too, and never had any problem with the girls. I was a skinny high schooler, but this concept of ostracism from female peers for thinness never really panned out in my case.

@traumamama: I think most studies make men look like dumb children and women look like evil manipulators.

@BrazenHussy: I think that sums it up nicely— I've never cheated on someone I was dating, but I've been the other woman a few times. Some guys were looking for an excuse to leave the girlfriend, some were just horny and wanted to pretend it never happened after the fact, some are just egomaniacs who think they can get

I'm not really into many stereotypically male activities, like video games and watching sports, but it infuriates me when guys tell me I have a male view of sex and relationships. If they really paid attention to what their male and female friends believed about dating, I doubt there'd be a statistically significant

@Sed_Quis_Custodiet...: Thanks for trying to explain your position better, but I really think this just depends on the specific people you know rather than a generalization about gender could ever encompass. I mean, in my circle of friends, the guys bitch about each other and have tension, while the girls get along

Morning Gloria, have you read Female Chauvinist Pigs? If not, you'd love it; if so, you've basically perfectly summarized one of its chapters.

@ChildBride: With none other than DJ Baby Bok Choy!

@Nigglesnoosh: I actually think beautiful people are MORE likely to be cheated on than average-looking people— it seems like if attractiveness is what you most value in a partner, there's a higher chance that you'll treat your partner like an object and not be respectful. Does that make sense? It's just a theory and

@Sed_Quis_Custodiet...: The scary long fake nails are even worse. I mean, thinking about those anywhere near my crotch makes me die a little inside.

@Rare Affinity: I think it's more for PR than for any specific legal advantage— each side wants to look like the one who decided to end it.