
Calling any type of demand an "ultimatum" sounds like such a negative, but if something's really vital to your happiness in a relationship, you should insist on it. As much as I think it's irrational to keep a partner from staying friends with an ex, if it makes you that unhappy, why put up with it? At my boyfriend's

I don't recall mentioning snakes.

@lickitysplit: Hanky Panky is an underwear brand that apparently makes expensive yet fantastically comfortable thongs.

@MaggieDanger: It's an excellent episode! You won't be disappointed.

@netfe: That's how I read the first one too. Does Kate Moss have a long-term boyfriend?

@BrutallyHonester: You're probably right. I should have just mentioned it before.

I didn't tell this guy who befriended me last night that I have a boyfriend, and now he wants to hang out and I feel like it will be awkward to bring up. If I go for drinks with him and try to be friends, will he be all pissed and disappointed that I have no plans to sleep with him?

@StuckOnRepeat: Last night I had amazing cleavage (which is rare for me) and I couldn't help checking myself out over and over. It's an awesome feeling.

@riveting.rosie: Awesome! I'm currently in the hunt for my mojo.

@formerlygypsypirate: Where she wants him to hit her or something? Interesting. I read something about the rating difficulty stemming from an oral sex scene, but that wasn't graphic at all and was actually kind of sweet, so I was confused.

@mosaiclobster: I've been having this problem too. My boyfriend was theoretically OK with us having an open relationship, but when it turned out that I found a bunch of guys to see casually and he wasn't really meeting many new women, he started to get all jealous about it. It's exhausting sometimes.

@Hooplehead: I really liked Whip It, Please Give, and The Kids Are Alright, so any of those!

@formerlygypsypirate: I just saw it yesterday. Did they cut something out to get it down to an R rating? Because if not, I don't see why it would warrant an NC-17 either.

@heyBetty: @badmutha: I really should have submitted that one for the bad sex article.

Does "wear ugly underwear so you won't sleep with someone" actually work for any of you? Every time I've tried it, I just excused myself and removed the underwear in the bathroom before going home with the dude.

I was all sad that I hadn't submitted my own shitfaced stories (such as the time I got belligerent, kicked some asshole in the chin and was rewarded with free drinks, or when I was having sex with the bartender in the bathroom when the sink I was sitting on BROKE OFF THE WALL), but now I realize I can't possibly

@MagsCO: I think I love you.