
I wonder more what Captain America thinks of people being forced into camps and into an apartheid system, all after having their land forcible taken from them, and what anyone would reasonably expect to happen, in addition what little rights those people have being taken away for any reason and further kicked out of

In true “but of course Alberta” fashion.

The thing i never got about NWO is that it implies and Old World Order to which I gesture in confusion. 

You can't just post a picture like that and not tell us about the yard work/landscaping project you were going to do. 

It should be a pipe dream.

When it comes to manufacturing. The EV side has a large gap of space for efficiency improvements, as the sector is still so young. Added with the knowledge that these companies need to clean/want to/awknodlege they have the obligation to clean up this aspect.

It is not only Toyota, a number of Chinese companies* as well are talking about being not he same timeline.

Do I want to drop the clutch in second gear under an overpass and give everyone in a quarter mile radius reason to file a noise complaint every once in a while? Absolutely

More complex than that.

Two different conversations being rolled into one.

It was the perfect end for this show.

TBF those were what 3-4 years ago now already, in addition those are near the entirety of the list of higher class film. So while, yes there are examples of things truly breaking through, when they are operating at, maybe if they are lucky, a 1% rate of total production, So i dont think he is wrong. Not only that, but

The days back when of “we are opening the Disney Vault, and coming to home video on *insert date here* is ____” are going to become a thing again.

nothing trolling about it. It is much better than your no true Scotsman fallacy that is for sure. 

because the indigenous people on the American continent never won any battles against the much more advanced forces that originated in western europe?

There is also the issue around contractors knowing they will be paid regardless. They can under budget, and have cost overruns as well knowing that government contracts rarely get shifted around and it is a great source of income that they can jack up prices on to increase profitability.

Nope, one at least works, the other is likely years away if ever from working. 

It is infecting our politics here in Canada as well.

In the end the automotive companies are likely to be years ahead on phasing out ICE production anyways, so this 2035 is not going to be much of an issue.

Better yet; half the size, the same range and a third of the price.