
The Acolyte very much feels like a first draft of a TV show. The dialogue is often bad and unpolished. There’s pacing issues. There’s exposition dumps and things happen that seem to have little internal logic but happening because the plot requires it to happen. I’m not sure it being a movie would have changed any of

I think Disney+ has produced enough seasons of Star Wars TV to show that Andor and the first season or so of The Mandalorian are exceptions, not the norm. If Disney+/Lucasfilm focused on good storytelling, I don’t think this article would exist. Instead, we got The Book of Boba Fett and Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Solo is a good juxtaposition. Take away all the stupid callbacks (gold dice! how did Solo get his name!) and it’s a terrific adventure movie. It’s more Indiana Jones than the last 2 Indiana Jones flicks. The execution of the action scenes, from the American Graffiti-style car chase to Han Solo shooting Tobias Beckett

Israeli ..not Jewish. There is a difference.

This is the first MCU thing that’s even remotely piqued my interest in the past year or so. I am faintly cautiously optimistic.

Some of us have a problem with Israel’s “right to exist” considering that it only exists by virtue of a mass displacement of an existing state and people. And no, the problem is not the Jewish people or Judaism in the least, just the existence and conduct of the Israeli state.

I don’t care for the man’s work but I do respect them for these. I don’t care what anyone thinks about physical media, DVDs during their heyday were just treasure troves for movie lovers.

It’s telling that the comments mostly include slights against his relevance (he’s still a big name in Hollywood) and his profession (being an actor doesn’t disqualify your opinions) rather than his argument, which Schimkowitz couldn’t even bother to read up on before posting this stupid snark.

i agree with Clooney. and anyone who discounts him b/c he’s rich, famous, doesn’t live in the US, whatever, is not addressing what Clooney (& several other people, incl other big Dem donors & many Dem politicians) are actually saying. that kind “what do we care what he thinks?” petulance is not an argument or even a

Cool, you could have just said “I didn’t watch the clip.”

I find most people in the US who describe themselves as “libertarian” basically mean “Republican, but not willing to admit it” 

Martin Short is a goddamn Canadian National Treasure

Is that supposed to be a hard question to answer?

He’s not on your side and he’s certainly not on liberals’ side. He’s one of the chief anti-vaxxers who can’t stop showering Netanyahu with praise, vehemently hates Muslims, supports restricting immigration, and stacks his panels with discredited right wingers. He’s a hack who has been making the exact same three

The worst part about Bill Maher’s show is Bill Maher.

Remember when Trump and his base made fun of any politicians who actually used teleprompters?

Donald Trump is an ignorant racist misogynistic bloviating orange windbag who is utterly incapable of speaking a single grain of truth. He is a petulant man-child who whines insufferably and incessantly when things don’t go his way. He cannot accept fault. That he was allowed within 10 miles of the White House at all

This is a refinement of the theoretical Alcbuierre drive (named after the physicist who theorized it). As I understand the Alcubierre drive, it basically works by warping space time around the craft rather than the ship itself moving locally though space as a normal rocket would. The paper attempts to show that the

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We just need to have faith, dare I say it, of the heart...