One could only hope that this would have the same look and feel as The Man From UNCLE
One could only hope that this would have the same look and feel as The Man From UNCLE
“I want everyone to leave me the fuck alone”
“good decision makers”
Compared to other products with CGI in them. Disney has the money that they should not be looking anywhere are half assed as they do. Either they are not putting the money in, or not giving enough time for them to be done right.
That is something i had not heard up to your comment. The CGI in near every MCU projects for a few years now, including the Ms.Marvel trailer has looked atrocious
No. Focus on the characters and stop falling back on piss poor “fights” they are nearly always terrible, unimaginative, and boring. These characters can be more than just the action.
so, a never ending battle = endless season
So is this series going to have a big bad? or is it just going to be slice of life, because the MCU could stand to benefit from a whole lot of slice of life and move away from the overly done, terrible looking big bad fight scenes.
google earth flight sim for the win!!!!
Thank you.
lol what Marvel brand? repetitive, action pieces, juvenile dialog and plot development?
I mean, the big first back to back team up in a circle in the first Avengers movie was exactly that, all individual filmed and added together after.
mass produced, standardized beyond recognition, stale, bland, but you know what you are getting every time. Yeah i would say the McDonalds comparison is apt.
In all honesty, no, it was not the comparison i was making.
There was no hot take about it, if you read my initial post, i never made mention of the crew. So i never threw them under the bus.
Why does that matter.
Glad to see the tribalism coming out, which is part of the problem.
This industry is no different from another; people doing work, some people putting in more work, and some people doing higher quality work.
I never criticised anyone in my statement, but made a general observation of work at large, and those that try and shield others from criticism simply because they know them.
Craft Services really had it coming to them