What alternate reality do you live in
What alternate reality do you live in
Everyone goes to work and does their job, it does not mean they are good at it or the product they put out is good. A lot of them a truly wonderful people, but being a wonderful person does not always = excellent job. I cant tell you how many managers i have had that are truly nice people but could not manage two…
You are correct on Black Panther,
ehhhh not really.
Given that they have all been American up to this point (how this is not a larger geopolitical issue is crazy) one would be shocked and excited that there is more representation
America was a mistake
Slight edit needed
They, like anyone else became “the left” the second they spoke up against, or gave what could be interpreted as implied pushback against a conservative or conservative idea. It is now a “you are either with us, or you are against us” for modern conservatives.
One day i am sure you will get to covering the words you used in your english class. Until then best to refrain from using them, so you dont continue to use them incorrectly.
Have you seen the way government functions the last 30 years. You can bet there would be states willing for fork over tens of billions to Disney along with paying next to no taxes ever, for the chance to get Disney in their state.
DeSantis likely won’t give a shit, but champion it as the “woke left, not being able to take a little heat”
Really, huh remind me of the start of the pandemic, when we had multiple countries going with COVID zero, and attended it.
Yeah, you know how New Zealand turned into dystopian hellscape when they were achieving COVID Zero, or right, it didn’t.
N95 are not ubiquitous. The N95 is doing more work protecting others than it is protecting you.
skipped English class when the covered analogies is see.
Let people make their own decisions on risk.
Glad to know that when you house is on fire, i can tell the fire department to go home.
That is not how respiratory pandemics work.
Truly love how as a society, we have our house on fire, and are constantly deciding to send the fire department home, and remove any fire preventing measures; sprinklers, fire resistant material to our home.
50% of the country thinks 45 was a good president and should be one again.