
Enjoyed all the performances; also felt like a bit too much like III. Was a bit sad about the villain. Wish Hunt/Walker could have done a Dread Pirate Roberts (they have to pass the torch *eventually*, that might be a neat not-Bond way to pull it off).

Particularly with Scott’s upgraded suit, he should be able to come back out from his collection without assistance from the tunnel, right?  I assume we’re not expecting him to be stuck there.

As someone who played a bit initially but then quit the game, I have basically 2 questions:

Because it makes us feel better to think they’re not actually all that happy. Wether it justifies the sacrifices we make, or tempers our envy, or feels like that’s how it should be for the things they had to do to get to where they are, or whether we’re miserable and we want to think they are, too . . . no judgement,

Tangential question: I looked Andrea Lee up out of curiosity. Half of the pictures show her in some form of stars and stripes getup, or posing with a US flag, and then another half show her in gear sporting the hammer and sicle in red/yellow. Cowboy hat optional for both. Not entirely sure how to process that.

My daughter who I think played the mobile game was very much squeal-y about this, but would it only be available on PS4? We have an Oculus Rift not PS4 VR.

It feels like we should be past having to explain this every.single.time. But it also feels like it’ll never be the end of having to explain this basic thing.

So much this.

Sent out a few #savelucifer tweets. Agree that Season 3 has its issues, but they seem to be wrapping the season strong. Many long-running shows have individual uneven seasons, Fox consistently displays such little vision.

Somehow my DVR did not record this, and it doesn’t seem to appear on Dish’s Primetime recordings. WTF!!?

I know there are narrative reasons why it couldn’t happen, but I thought for sure with Lucifer seemingly teetering on the edge of a breakdown that he was going to pop his wings in the interrogation room.

This seems like a totally appropriate, reasonable, and measured take.

“Lebron makes his teammates much better”

Kinda sorta? If Pacers are up 2 maybe they use the foul, or maybe the Cavs go for the tie at home and who knows, or maybe a few other things. I’m not totally on board with well he hit a 3 after so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ nothing else matters about refs needing to make accurate calls, or whether something that’s clear on replay

Let’s not romantacize how long it took NMS post-launch to really start updating the game and adding new content.

After I wrote what I wrote above about how this finale feels like they’ve finally jumped the rails from the books that Vanity Fair piece came out where the showrunners basically made it sound like Season 4 was going back to the books. I’m struggling to see how they do that from a plotting perspective, but maybe they

This episode feels like this is where they really break from the books. The major plot lines up until now in some way or another have felt like a loose approximation from one of the books. But what they did with Julia this last episode, combined with what they have resolved from the books already plus where the

Maybe will fix shooting?