
“Sure, such behavior from people is revolting”

That’s not what either demand side economics or supply side economics means. You’ve picked a really strange issue to be so invested in.

It feels like these researchers running the simulations are missing the boat . . . why do we not know about the possibilities of beer oceans?

Like so many issues with phrasing, there’s a difference between saying it from the inside versus saying it about someone else. If you friend talked about struggling with “handling it” some days, that’s their experience from the inside. You, or Trump, from the outside, shouldn’t use the same phrasing (unless you’re

Because she’s made just enough mistakes to be portrayed as falsely equivalent to Trump in honesty so she doesn’t get a boost. Right or wrong, it’s true.

lol you can smell the projection from a mile away.

“The Seattle Seahawks Said Nothing”


“And more importantly why does the fact that we clearly disagree about that make you so made?”

“probably got distractedly”

“And it’s not a hot take. It’s a consistent take.”

“then your highly misguided.”

“Anyone whose not a complete moron knows their is injustice in the legal system on a systemic level.”

“I don’t believe that protesing at work should be tolerated.”

Yes, they are protesting *at work*. *You* are *not comfortable* with that. You’ve then expended a great amount of time explaining how their protest could *make you comfortable* (having it not at work). And you’re trying to call me out as having low reading comprehension? Fucking rich. I was right on the head the first

I’m not sure you understand what “exact opposite” means. Let’s take a look at the way, way, way back machine where I said:

tl;dr version of your entire contribution so far: “They aren’t protesting in a way that makes *ME* comfortable! Only if they protest in a way that *I* approve is it ok!!”

I just posted the same thing because I didn’t scroll down far enough to see you beat me to it. There is no way this is coincidence.

“Also the last 3 episodes cliffhangers were suggesting he might’ve died.”

There is some twist to Dom they’re hiding, some play she wants to make for herself, or someone else. I think they’re intentionally keeping her playing it this straight to give the twist some extra kick when it drops.