
It’s exactly what jimbob said in the previous interview. She’s saying what she’s been told to say.

I HATE THAT TOO. “Oh, men just can’t be expected to control themselves around females (and these people would be the type to say “females”). That logic advocates rape and it’s insulting to men too, I would think. Suddenly a sentient human is no more self-disciplined than an untrained puppy because he has a penis?

Pretty sure a 27 year old man that is truly sorry and ‘repentant’ doesn’t make his parents and his victimized sisters do all the press appearances and explain away his shitty behavior.

The best write up of the situation that I’ve read came from Cosmopolitan, titled, “The Duggar parents are not victims, they are perpetrators.”

Frankly, I don’t think a word that came out of either of their mouths last night wasn’t coached. Everything supports the “Josh is the real victim” narrative. It’s obvious the parents are trying to cover their asses and his at the cost of their daughters.

Yes! Hyper Christian communities NEVER talk about boys’ purity or saving themselves for marriage. Ughhhhh

I grew up in a semi-large family (nowhere near Duggar size, but still enough of us that people would comment on it) as the only sister in a religious, conservative environment that was strict and somewhat repressed (again, nowhere near Duggar-level, but still). Despite all the typical straight male hormones and

I think it’s classic projection, his wife getting a divorce is the best news I’ve heard from this mess... Keep him away from little girls#!!

I think it's also been a terrible reminder that it may not be as far off the mainstream as we would hope. People continue to provide defenses and do the mental gymnastics to avoid having to question their belief system.

I agree. This story is killing me. I never has less faith in humanity then I do now. I feel like I feel like I’m becoming far more upset with the parent and people defending them than with Josh. Yes, he is clearly culpable, he was a 15 year old molesting small children. It’s pretty cut and dry....and terrible. He

It was terrible to hear that Jill thinks her parents did great and will do the same in her own house. Her baby’s a month old and she’s preparing for him to want to molest sisters?!

You have to admit, it’s super Duggar to blame something so morally terrible on “too much curiousity.” After all, a desire for knowledge, questioning anything, and independent thinking are all sins!

While I read this I just kept thinking oh, we’re now extending “boys will be boys” to encompass child molesting? Good to know, cool.

spot on. And yeah, ugh I shudder when I think about his little daughter :(

It just further confirms how removed from mainstream society they are that they would think his natural curiosity expressed in such a detrimental way was at all “normal.” It’s not. I guarantee that almost all boys are curious about sex and sexuality at 14, but I can also safely assume that MOST of them do not rape or

Also this “Josh was too curious about girls” statement really pisses me off.