
All males are raised in patriarchy, and continually taught and granted unearned male privilege. There are no patriarchy-free spaces in the world, and there never have been. All boys begin exhibiting patriarchal attitudes and disrespectful behavior toward females by age 2. That can be observed in just a few minutes of

Yes, that’s right. The bible says just about everything is punishable by death.

Until every man stands up against the line of thinking you so well pointed out, let’s not elect any of them. Especially to US President. If they have no self-control, they are not fit for office, or for any job, frankly.

I totally agree with your post and can relate to how how upset you feel, as I’m totally upset about it, too. I’m furious that TLC has presented this christian cult uncritically all these years, allowing them to blather their beliefs without anyone else being interviewed and providing alternate perspectives on the

Jim Bob and his church teach and enforce extreme patriarchy.

It’s more than brainwashing, though. It’s the lure of power over others. Unearned male privilege. The offer to control others.

Jim Bob groomed the boys to take “dominion” over females, sexually and otherwise. Which, in turn, grooms females (Michelle and the daughters) to be broken, and to be oriented toward males via Stockholm Syndrome, to sexually serve men forever more.

And sadly, some of the Duggar fans are hearing the parents’ rationalization and repeating it.

Great point. I certainly never went into my older brother’s room and groped him while he was asleep (or any other time.)

Society, christianity, and this particular cult and father, have groomed Josh on how to groom females: males have sexual—and all other “dominion”—over females.

And since when has the appropriate “safeguard” been for the parents to decide to simply but locks on the girls’ room at night, instead of letting the courts and professional counselors decide what’s appropriate?