Hahaha, that's so good.
Hahaha, that's so good.
I thought Sony knew better than anyone that software sells hardware, not the other way around. PSVR2 is a failure of something worth using it for. Gran Turismo is basically it.
I just cannot think of a use case for this thing that warrants the space in my home, the energy to power it, the resources to produce it, or the trash it will become in 3 years. It's a freaking experiment for Sony to monetize a technology during its development into something that one day might be useful.
FF16 wasn't, so I remain skeptical rebirth will be better
I don't care good it looks, 30 fps is bad for narrative. There hasn't been a PS5 game yet that played acceptably in graphics mode. I tried FF7 remake for about 2 minutes on graphics mode and not only wasn't there a discernable difference, it was awful on the FPS. Nope. Graphics mode is bad advice.
I’m just not interested in racing the subscription clock to get the most out of my game. I want to engage when I feel like it, not as they compel me. Mobile games have exploded because they use tactics of compulsion and I hate them for it. You ever wonder what the most common word in the comments for a mobile game…
I think that a 2 hour experience is different from a 60 hour one. I don't think the comparison is quite equal
I hope that's true. One thing I know about gamers is they talk a lot, but they're addicts. So when it comes right down to it, they'll game paying for their fix
It's because they can't control the resale market. They want digital because you can't sell it.
That is the march of monopoly. As long as there is competition, this shouldn't be the end point
That does suck and is an interesting example of how the Internet is not actually an option. Keep up with tech or society will leave you behind. Imagine not having a smart phone? You literally aren’t even a person anymore because you can’t log in to anything without random temporary login codes anymore. Your phone…
Has anyone talked to a consumer that really wants subscriptions to replace ownership? I know a couple, though the minority. I’ll say this, I was die hard against what the music industry did to Napster and the like back in the day and thought I would never give up ownership of my music and now... Spotify is my only…
heck yeah!
This just seems so natural though. How many chances are you willing to take with your quarter Billion dollars? You wouldn’t exactly go throw that at some penny stocks o drop it all on red at the roulette table and hope for the best. The scale of money we’re talking isn’t something anyone wants to gamble with.
I would not qualify Last of Us of God of War as "Just a pretty story game with not much depth to it"
I must be the only one who doesn't know what an "extraction" shooter is
Uh, that business is called "consulting" and PR is an entire industry.
They aren’t making more money off of me with multiplayer games because I gave that stuff up when I graduated to adulthood. I don’t buy them. Maybe I’m not a market they care about or am the minority.
Divinity 2: original sin is a master class in this type of storytelling
Excellent observation