
I do. I read the wheel of time and never bothered with GoT. Too convoluted

Yeah the GoT inspiration element has me standing on the surprised for launch. GoT was a chore to understand, so I never did.

Wait, seriously? An alien?

This is too stupid to be true. Not that the woman didn't go into the harbor, but the facts don't add up. Someone is lying. 

Lol. It's not even worth criticizing this proposal. 

Theres no accountability for traffic ticket stuff like this. Municipalities absolutely use it as revenue machines and the cops will throw anything at all at you knowing that what's "just" is irrelevant.

Typical. You have to show up but it's not worth the officers time. 

Not really. When you buy them used, you just buy the one with the features you want. Have you ever bought a used car before? Just, ya know, find the one you want.

Nope. No. And I don’t think so. I don’t even want internet on my car. No one in the world can keep hackers from stealing their personal data. You think I want them accessing my car from God knows where in the world? And then I’m gonna pay BMW for that lovely vulnerability just so they can slap a recurring forever fee

Tires and clearance. The rest is icing ( see what I did there?).

Blizzard loves it’s paywall progression limiting, trickle content game mechanics. I don’t. Here’s something novel, make something good, and when it’s done, then I’ll by it. Instead, they promise something good and you just keep paying hoping it’ll be good, and for some it is, but no one really knows, and you do so

I was so confused 

Agreed. It's the last time I'll ever put my faith in this company with a pre-order either. What a stupid uninformed choice that turned out to be. I paid 40 bucks for the same game, less a tank, and the opportunity to pay more for what I'd already grown bored of... Sweet deal. Blizzard is dead and gone.

What’s really troubling is not blizzard so much. What’s really troubling is the continual march toward phones as identifiers. The problem here is blizzard following the inertia that if you don’t have a phone number / cell phone, you’re not a real person because your identity can’t be confirmed.